× Promise ×

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Final Chapter

The warm summer breeze billows through the soft pink hair of the curious android staring down into the crystal clear water. His sensors pick up movement from beneath the waters surface, making his eyes quickly shift side to side, following the anomaly. 

He shoots his hand into the water, grabbing a handful of sand and something that felt like a small rock. He then pulls his hand out of the water, his eyes flashing green and blue as he processes the crustacean in his hand.

"Namjoon! I found a crab!" 

The human lifts his heads up from his crouched position, his dragon eyes glazed with a look of excitement. "Oh! Let me see!" he gets up from his position and runs over to Jimin, the small android bounces in his spot as he presents the crab to Namjoon. "Good job Jimin." Namjoon praises the android, and Jimin couldn't help but beam out a bright smile as he bounces in his spot again, letting out airy giggles of excitement. 

As promised, they all went to the beach in Busan, Jungkook's hometown.

Namjoon and Jungkook were fully healed of their wounds, as well as Hoseok from his neck injury. After they woke up in the hospital, they went through alot of testing to make sure the nanites in their systems were in good conditions.

As Dr. Zero mentioned, Namjoon and Jungkook are slightly faster and stronger than normal humans. Jimin and Jin tested those theories out when they all returned to each other's homes.

Jin ended up limping for a few days.

Jimin shut down three times in a row.

After the success of the Mikrokosmos project, many more medical cases came up with the need to use the nanites, and with the greatest honor, Dr. Zero happily obliged, making it her mission that to use the project for the greater good of humanity.

Since the CYBER-SX project is no more, there was no need for androids anymore. Although who knows, perhaps in the future androids will make their return, but for now, humanity wasn't quite ready for that. 

"Fuck! Put that down Jungkook!" Not far from them, waist deep in the water, was Hoseok, Jin, and Jungkook. 

Hoseok is currently clutched onto Jin's back like a koala, dramatically fearing for his life as Jungkook pulls out a large eel from the water. 

The youngest blinks at his hyung, his doe eyes shimmering with the reflection of the water, making it appear as if he had small stars in his eyes. "But hyung, it's just a fish." he says ever so innocently. 

Jin blinks, processing the fish in Jungkook's hand, his cyber mind coming up with various recipes he can make using that eel. "We can prepare that for tonight's feast." Jin says, holding his hand out for the eel. "I'll go and get this prepared." 

"Take me with you hyung! Or else Jungkook will pull out something even worse than that eel." Hoseok freaks out when he sees Jungkook dunk himself under the water and come back up to the surface with a large crab in his hands. 

Hoseok screams and runs out of the water, leaving Jin and Jungkook behind to giggle and laugh at his antics. 

"Hey hyung, can you cook this crab for us?" Jungkook asks, giving his hyung the wide bambi eyed stare. 

Jin obviously can't resist that stare. "Of course, Jungkook." Jin says, rubbing his hand through Jungkook's hair, then he takes the crab and exits the water. "Jimin, come assist me in the kitchen. I'll start preparing the meals."

"Okay hyung!" Jimin calls back to him, then looks over to Namjoon, whom was standing knee deep in the water, making kissy faces at the small crab in his large hands. 

The android takes a moment to just admire the human, loving the way the sun casts a halo around Namjoon's body, making Namjoon glow like the angels Jimin had read about in the fantasy stories. 

For Jimin, Namjoon is his angel, his savior, and the first human to have ever given Jimin the chance to be free to express all the love Jimin has to offer. 

In Jimin's eyes, Namjoon is perfect. Simply a perfect being in an imperfect world. 

"Namjoon." Jimin calls to the taller. Namjoon moves his attention to the android, his dragon eyes glimmering with excitement. "Let's go eat." he says, holding his hand out for the human to take. 

Namjoon smiles at that, then bids the little crab farewell and gently guides it back into the water before running up to Jimin and scooping the android in his buff arms, making Jimin squeak and let out small fits of airy giggles.

Both join Jin and his boyfriends in Jungkook's family's beach house they are staying at. Jin and Jimin quickly go into the kitchen to prepare the meals while the humans set up the table. They chatted away about their lives, all joking and busting each other's balls about random jokes and such. 

Just overall vibing like a family. 

"I bet Namjoon's foot is as big as Jin's dick."

"I'm going to stab you, Jungkook." Namjoon threatens with a spoon again. 

"Nah, I bet Namjoon's dick is bigger." Hoseok wiggles his brows, then turns to Jimin for confirmation. "Is it Jiminie?" he asks. 

Jimin smiles at that. "It's a secret." he says, making Hoseok and Jungkook groan at the loss of information and Namjoon smile in triumph. 

"Instead of talking about dick, let's all enjoy the food." Jin says as he hands Hoseok and Jungkook a plate of food. Obviously he and Jimin can't eat because they are androids, but they don't mind it, as long as their humans are happy. 

After dinner, they all head back out to the beach to watch the sun set. Jin was giving Jungkook a piggyback ride while Hoseok stood next to them, holding Jin's hand while they walked ahead of the Minjoon duo. 

Namjoon smiles at his friends, his heart feeling complete. He then looks to the android, who was staring out into the sunset with a dreamy gaze in his soft eyes. 

"What's on your mind baby?" Namjoon asks with a nudge to Jimin's arm. 

Jimin blinks, then slowly looks to Namjoon with that same dreamy gaze, the reflection of the sunset glimmers soft hues of purple and pinks in Jimin's eyes, making the android look even more ethereal than ever. 

"I'm just so happy, Namjoon." Jimin tells him with a beaming crescent eye smile. "We finally have our happy ending, as promised." he says, squeezing Namjoon's hand softly. 

Namjoon chuckles and nods. "I'm happy too. But this doesn't have to be the ending." he says, now stopping and fully turning to face the android. "There is no end to happiness unless we say so, and I for one don't want this to just be an ending. I want this to be an everlasting happiness, one that would go on for years and years to come." he caresses both sides of Jimin's face, running his thumbs along the androids soft sun kissed cheeks. 

"I want live and love and be happy for a very long time. With you always by my side." 

Jimin feels his heart swell with endearment for the human that he is so happily in love with. His eyes flash purple, as does Namjoon's, the nanites in his bloodstream reacting to Jimin's happy relay signal. 

"Promise?" Jimin says, holding his small pinky out for Namjoon. 

The human smiles wide, dimples on full display as he links their pinkies together, then touches foreheads with Jimin, taking in the soft scent of his beautiful boyfriend whom he would cherish for the rest of his life. 

"I promise."

The End

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