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Incoming call....

Sender: KTH095

"Master, I have analyzed the whereabouts of PKJM095. He has taken residence with a human know as Kim Namjoon and has infiltrated himself as his personal CYBER-SX model. The human works at a local café near the Gangnam district, and goes to Seoul University. I have looked up his personal records and he shows no previous criminal activity or any mental health issues." 


"I have been trying to allocate my signals to PKJM095, but he refuses to accept. He is aware of my presence, but won't engage. I shall await your orders." 

Yoongi sits back on his leather chair, huffing out a low drag from his cigarette as he stares at the android on the screen. He sucks in his teeth, bitterly annoyed at the trouble Jimin has caused him, especially involving someone who has no business owning Jimin. 

But most of all, he's annoyed with himself for being so careless and underestimating Jimin's abilities. An android like Jimin is too valuable to be out in the public, especially with what he's hiding beneath those layers of synthetic skin. 

"Your mission still stands firm. Retrieve PKJM095 by any means necessary." Yoongi informs, huffing out the narcotic smoke through his nose. "But do not draw attention to yourself. The last thing I need is a scandal on my name because of incompetence." 

Taehyung nods, accepting his orders. "Sir, what about the human he's with? What shall be done with him?"

Yoongi weighs in on his options, but there is only one way to handle unwanted obstacles. 

"Eliminate him, and leave no evidence behind."

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