× Build A Boyfriend Pt. 2 ×

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If I can't have Jimin, you can't have him either. 


The startling sound of the gun shot rings though Namjoon's ears, muffling all sounds around him as he falls backwards, landing on the hard concrete ground with a harsh thud. 

He stares at the high ceiling, sees figures hovering around him, all touching and trying to move him, but nothing is registering in his head at the moment. His mind has gone into shock over the fact that he was shot at. 

But he doesn't feel any pain. 

The bullet never hit him. 

He feels a heaviness on top of him, laying limp between his legs, holding him down to the ground. 

Slowly, his hearing comes back into focus again, the ringing sensation fading off into frantic screams of his friends calling out to him, and to Jimin. 

Namjoon forces himself to sit up and focus, his legs still pinned under Jimin's bodyweight, with Jimin leaning his body against Namjoon's. 

"He's been shot!" Hoseok says in a panic, forcing Namjoon to look down at Jimin's chest, where there is indeed a bullet hole on his chest, over his heart. 

"Jimin! Oh god are you okay?!" Namjoon feels his heart drop, his whole world coming to a halt as he stares at the gaping hole on Jimin's chest. "Jimin..."

"N-nam-joon..." Jimin grabs Namjoon's hand, the human literally can feel the android trembling. "N-Namjoon, I can't see!" Jimin says in a panicked tone, his eyes shifting side to side as a mass array of error messages flood across his vision. 

"Jimin, why...why did you stop the bullet!" Namjoon finds his voice cracking, unable to hide his distress. 

"Because I love you. And we protect the ones we love." Jimin says, shifting his eyes around, trying to clear all the error messages, but his internal systems are going into panic mode, alerting him of his injured heart. 

"Baby..." Namjoon squeezes Jimin's hand, Jimin squeezes him back. 

"I promised you I'll never leave you. I won't Namjoon. I wont!" Jimin tells him, yet the panic in his tone says other wise. 

"We got a five minute window to change his heart." Dr. Zero tells them, but the grim expression in her eyes doesn't help in the situation. "If we can't find a replacement, his termination process will begin." she sadly tells them. 

"Where the fuck are we going to find another heart! The last one is with Jin hyung." Namjoon shouts at her, already panicked and stressed. 

"N-NAmjoon...It's starting!" Jimin whines out loud when a termination timer appears in his vision, saying he has less than five minutes left. "I...I don't want to die."

"Jimin no!" Namjoon clutches Jimin in his arms, rocking them side by side as he sobs uncontrollably. "We made a promise Jimin. We promised each other..."

Yoongi stares in shock at the group, the barrel of his gun still pointed to the ground, with smoke billowing off it's end. The bullet was meant for Namjoon, but instead Jimin's protective mode kicked in, taking the bullet for the human. 

Now Yoongi can only watch as Jimin was slowly dying in the human's arms. 

This isn't what Yoongi wanted. He wanted to kill Namjoon and have Jimin for himself, but now he's lost him. 

But then again, if he can't have Jimin, no body can. 

A startling laughter grabs everyone's attentions, all looking over to Yoongi with disgust. 

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