× Hostile Takeover ×

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System recovery complete

System loading...

Loading complete.

Anomaly detected in lower exterior region...

System scan...

Scan indicates the anomaly can not be removed automatically. External help is required. 

KTH095 is online. 

Taehyung flutters his eyes open, his sensors shifting back into place as he begins to sit up. He is slightly dazed and confused as his memory program activates the latest activities before his shutdown. 

He remembers coming back to Yoongi's room, where they engaged into sex under the humanoids request. During their session, Yoongi used his nanobots to absorb the power from Taehyung, thus fueling himself while leaving the android to falter into recovery mode. 

"Damnit Yoongi." Taehyung groans, feeling like someone poured cement inside his body. Yoongi really took alot out of him, nearly terminating the android. 

"Welcome back." 

The android slowly turns his attention over to the humanoid sitting on the ground, staring blankly at Taehyung. Right away Taehyung sees Yoongi's long blonde hair and the flush of pink tinting the humanoids skin. Yoongi has his hands on his lap, his long fingers twitching slightly, as if typing on a keyboard.

"Sorry for earlier, but I needed the power supply to fuel myself." Yoongi says, still giving Taehyung a blank stare, his eyes now shifting side to side, as if reading something. "While you were out, I entered Min Corp's database and rewired everything back to my name. My father hasn't suspected anything yet, but it will be a matter of time until he does." Yoongi blinks, his one eye flashing green and blue as he processes more information through the Min Corp data systems.

Taehyung sits on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at Yoongi. The android scans him, but instantly an error message appears on his vision, his scanning being denied. 

"Sorry baby, but I can't let you in on all my secrets." Yoongi says with a grin, his eye still flashing green and blue as he runs through the Min Corp systems, changing everything back to his possession.

He can't even scan Yoongi for information, yet the humanoid has so much power and control over him that it's alarming to the android. 

"If you're going to take over the company again, you might as well let me in on your plans." Taehyung says, now standing up and stretching. "I don't like being left in the dark." 

Yoongi blinks, his eye flashing red for a moment before returning back to its normal brown color. "Very well." he gets up from the ground, now standing in front of Taehyung. 

"For starters, my systems are telling me I have an anomaly in my lower exterior." Taehyung looks down to his crotch, then back to Yoongi. "What the fuck did you do to me?"

Yoongi grins. "Implanted nanites on your cock. They will act as a conducting agent for when I need more power again." 

Taehyung blinks, processing all that. "You did WHAT!" He grips the front of Yoongi's gown, pulling them face to face. As angry as he is, Taehyung can't cause any harm to Yoongi, knowing the humanoid is a full power and can definitely stop Taehyung with just one glance. 

"Relax, the nanites will not interfere with your internal systems. They are only located at the tip of your cock." 

"That's so fucking reassuring." Taehyung scoffs, letting Yoongi go with a harsh shove.  "Gonna use me as your own personal power cell?"

Yoongi nods, tucking a piece of his blonde hair behind his ear with sass. "For now, until I can find a way to permanently keep myself fully charged." Yoongi says, glancing over to the cameras. His sensors pick up movement coming from the end of the corridor outside his room. It's two Min Corp guards sent to check on Yoongi. That only leaves them with five minutes before their arrival. 

"So every time we have sex, you're going to drain me of my power source." Taehyung comments, not liking the fact that Yoongi is using him as a battery. 

Yoongi chuckles, returning his attention to Taehyung. "Not all the time. Just when I really need it." he says, leaning his body onto Taehyung. "You can still be as sadistic as you want, and now that I can take it, our bedroom escapades will be alot more interesting." he says with a low purr as he teasingly walks his long fingers along Taehyung's chest. 

The guards enter the quarantine chamber, letting the air clean them of anomalies. Three minutes until they arrive. 

"The safety protocol in my systems needs to be shut down. As long as it's still active, I can't do much harm to others, and as we speak, my energy levels are starting to drain from the power usage I spent hacking into the systems to change everything under my name." 

The guards exit the chambers and make their way to Yoongi's door. Two minutes until arrival. 

"I know my father wont deactivate the protocol, but I know someone else who can."

Taehyung frowns. "It's Jimin, right?"

Yoongi nods, his eye flashes red, a small message alerting him on the guards arrival. "I need to infect myself with Jimin's virus. That alone will break Min Corps control on me, thus giving me full range of power, as well as keep my nanites at maximum energy."

Taehyung mulls on his thoughts. Jimin is his friend...but then again, Taehyung was never the good guy to begin with. He has nothing against Jimin, has no reason to cause the android any harm, but Yoongi needs to Jimin in order to be free from Min Corp, and Taehyung will do anything for his kitten. 

"The main problem is getting you out of here. They will shut you down if you even try to pass those doors." Taehyung tells him. 

The guards are now standing outside the door, both taking out their key cards to swipe on the panel. 

"Yes, but they can't do anything to you since you are not under their control." Yoongi reminds him. 

Taehyung arches a brow. "So what do you need from me?" he asks, ready to comply with whatever idea Yoongi has. 

The doors to Yoongi's room open, with both guards entering and stopping in their tracks. "What the hell?" one of them say when they see Yoongi's new transformation. 

Yoongi ignores them, keeping his eyes on Taehyung. The android will be very useful for Yoongi when he finally takes back all that belonged to him. 

No one knows the true evil that will be unleashed soon, and no one will be ready for it. 

"I need you to kill them all for me." 

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