× Build a Boyfriend Pt. 1 ×

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It's was the dead of night when the group had driven out to the coast, around a two hour drive from the mansion. 

When they arrived at the coastal region, they stopped at a prestigious boat yard with yachts docked in each section. They needed a boat to get to Hongdo island, and Yoongi just so happens to own three, the biggest one nearly as big as a three floor house. 

"Don't touch anything." Yoongi hisses at everyone as Taehyung shoves him onto a small couch, making the human curse at him under his breath. Taehyung obviously heard him. 

"Oh, this is nice." Hoseok teases, running his fingers along every surface of Yoongi's yacht, touching expensive pictures and playing with an expensive vase. 

"I bet this must have cost a fortune." Jungkook picks up a statue of a cat and tosses it between his hands. "It would suck if it broke." he fumbles with the statue, nearly giving Yoongi a heart attack, but laughs it off and puts it back on it's original spot. 

"Bastards! Stop touching my stuff!" Yoongi sneers at them. 

His outburst doesn't sit will with Taehyung, and the android grabs the human by the back of his neck and forces him to look to the ground. He lowers his lips to Yoongi's ear, gently blowing on the lobe with a low chuckle. 

"All that is yours, is mine now." he says, gripping the back of Yoongi's neck tightly, making the human shudder in pain. "You have no say in any matter, no control on anyone or anything." he forces Yoongi's head up, looking the human in the eyes with a voided stare. "So sit still and keep your mouth shut kitten, or else daddy will have to take you right here on this couch and remind you where your place is." To emphasize, he runs his large hand along Yoongi's inner thigh, right in front of Hoseok and Jungkook, completely embarrassing Yoongi. 

"Damn, why is that so fucking scary but hot?" Jungkook whispers over to Hoseok.

"I don't know, but I low- no- high key want Jin hyung to do that to us." Hoseok whispers back. Jungkook happily nods in agreement. 

Yoongi shuts up, eyes glossing with tears of anger. Just you all wait. I'll be having my last laugh very soon. 

"Guys, stop fucking around." Namjoon groans at his friends as he and Jimin enter the yacht, both taking a seat on the couch near the front of the yacht, away from Taehyung and Yoongi. 

Jungkook and Hoseok giggle like children and join them on the couch. "Sorry Namdaddy, it's just that Jungkook and I are too excited to see Jin hyung again." Hoseok says with a beaming smile. 

"I can't wait to hold Jin hyung again and eat his delicious food." Jungkook boasts.

"And his cock too." Hoseok adds. 

"Oh, yes, that too." Jungkook agrees, his thoughts swooning at the mention of Jin's dick. 

"Horny sluts." Namjoon groans, shaking his head in disbelieve of his friends eagerness for dick. But on the bright side, they are happy that Jin will be with them soon, and seeing his friends happy again is all that Namjoon wants. 

"It's a two, almost three hour sail from here to Hongdo island. There is a kitchen just down the hall and bedrooms upstairs." Dr. Zero announces through the PA system. Her and Soobin are in the control room where the steering wheel is, along with Dr. Eli and Jonghyun, who was just causally leaning against the wall in sleep mode. Soobin will be driving the yacht. 

"I got dibs on the master bedroom!" Jungkook shoots his hand up. 

"No." Taehyung's deep voice shuts him down quickly. "I got the master bedroom." he says, yanking Yoongi back up to his feet and going down to the lower deck where Yoongi's room resides. 

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