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"Namjoon, where are you taking me? And why do I need to wear this blind fold?" Jimin asks as he touches the black blindfold over his eyes while being escorted down a hall by Namjoon. "Are we perhaps going to engage into foreplay?"

Namjoon snorts out a laugh. "No silly. I have a surprise for you." Namjoon says, carefully opening a large metal door and leading Jimin into a lab.

Honestly, the blindfold wasn't much of a help since Jimin can use his infrared vision to see through it, and right away he spots three heat signatures and two cold ones standing in the middle of the lab.

"Our friends!" Jimin says with an excites squeal. "Are we engaging foreplay with our friends?" he asks.

Namjoon face palms.

Hoseok and Jungkook burst out into a fit of giggles.

Jin processes what Jimin said, finding that idea intriguing.

"No Jimin, you are here because we want to show you something special." Dr. Zero's voice grabs his attention, and he looks to the smallest heat signature, with the tallest blue signature being Soobin. "You can take the blindfold off." she says, and Jimin happily does so.

The android blinks, momentarily confused as to why he was in Dr. Zero's lab. He wonders what surprise could they have that they needed to bring him there.

"Where is the surprise?" he asks with peaked interest.

Everyone looks to each other, then slowly steps aside, revealing a table with an android laying upon it.

Jimin's eyes flash green and blue, his mind processing the android laying upon the table, his body covered with only a thin blanket, leaving his chest and head exposed.

"Taehyung!" he runs up to the table and grabs the androids hand, shaking it as he calls out to his friend.

Jimin thought he would never see Taehyung again after the incident at Min Corp's office. He was told that all the androids that were terminated had been dismembered and used for recycling. He believed Taehyung was one of them.

"Mr. Min wanted to have him buried with Yoongi, but the Min family was against it, so they kept him in storage and planned on using him for recycling. Thankfully, and after many hours of talking with the governor, I was able to keep custody of Taehyung." Dr. Zero informs as she stands next to Jimin, both looking down to Taehyung.

"Originally you both were meant to be together, like a soulmate bond of the sorts. But Yoongi had me change that idea and only wanted you for himself." she looks to Jimin, both now staring at each other. "Now is your chance to have your friend back."

"But how? Wasn't he terminated?" Jimin asks.

"Technically he was, but his heart is still in good condition. The only problem was that his data chip with all his files and memories had burned out." she reaches into her lab coat and takes out a data chip, holding up for Jimin to see. "I still have access to my CYBER-SX program files and was able to download and create a new chip for Taehyung. Of course I took out the sadist programming so that he won't be aggressive, and since he won't have the Min Corp protocol, he will be free to make his own choices."

All that sounds like a dream come true, except there was one thing that was missing. "He won't have his memories." he says.

Dr. Zero nods. "Correct, he will still be Taehyung...just without his memories."

Jimin stares at the chip in her hand, a small smile blooming across his face as he takes it and stares at the chip, his eyes flashing purple. "Which is why you wanted me here. Because you knew I would have a part of Taehyung with me."

"You what?" Namjoon gawks in shock, as does everyone else.

"Back at Yoongi's office, when I kissed Taehyung, he transferred some of his memory files into me. It was a last attempt for him to save himself from Yoongi. I've kept those memory files safe in my hard drive, untouched and hoping that one day, I'll see him again." Jimin's eyes flash purple again. A digital vein slithers up his hand and through his fingers, entering the data chip.

The chip glows a bright purple, with a digital veins slithering through it. "Transfer process complete." Jimin says in a robotic tone, before giving the chip back to Dr. Zero.

Dr. Zero takes the chair and stands at the head of the table, where she then lifts Taehyung's head up and opens the skin flap where she had previous cut open. She carefully inserts the chip into Taehyung's head, then nods to Soobin.

Soobin grabs a large battery and takes both ends, connects them to Taehyung's pointer fingers, before turning it on to jump start Taehyung's systems.

Taehyung's body jolts, his arms and legs twitching from the electric currents running through his circuits.

Jimin watches with anticipation as the android makes a face, furrowing it's brows as it's systems slowly turn back on.

System activating...

System check....

Loading data chip....



Loading complete.

System check complete.

KTH095 is online.

Taehyung slowly opens his eyes, his expression blank as his vision comes into focus. He shifts his eyes side to side, then detects a presence next to him.

Jimin watches with full eagerness as Taehyung slowly sits up while keeping eye contact with him. "Taehyung." Jimin says his name with a warm smile.

Taehyung blankly stares at him, then tilts his head aside and blinks.

Jimin's smile slowly falters, his shoulders going slack as he receives no reaction from Taehyung. He figures the memory files weren't enough and that perhaps this Taehyung will never remember him.

Just as he's about to move away from the table, Taehyung grabs his hand with a frim grip, stopping Jimin from leaving.

"Jimin." he says the androids name, his voice coming deep, yet softly, as if speaking to a friend.

Jimin's eyes flash purple, his face brightening up again with a beaming smile. "Taehyung..."

Taehyung's eyes flash purple, his lips pulling back into a wide boxy smile.

"Hello again, my friend."

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