× Human Connection ×

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"Namjoon, where are we going?" Jimin asks as he follows the human down the street, both walking hand in hand towards a large building with strange sculptures.

"This is an art museum. I like to come here on the weekends when I don't have school or work." Namjoon tells him.

"Art museum." Jimin blinks, processing information about art museums. "You like art?"

Namjoin nods, a smirking to himself with pride. "I find art very peacful and knowledgeable. What we can't convey with words, we convey with art. And that's the most personal form of communication for humans." He leads Jimin to the entrance, where they stop to wait on a line.

"So humans use art as communication?" Jimin questions, curious about art.

"Sometimes." Namjoon rubs his neck, chuckling to himself. "But art isn't simply just pictures or paintings or sculptures. Art is music and dance too."

Jimin turns his attention to the word dance, triggered by it. "Dance?"

Namjoon nods, leading Jimin into the museum where they stop before a series of bronze sculptures of children playing with a dog.

"Using your body is a very intimate way of communication. I admire dancers because they can fluidly move their bodies to every emotion."

"I can dance." Jimin says, catching Namjoon's full attention.

"I know that. I saw you dance at the club." He says, smiling at the memory.

"No, that was because I mimicked the gestures of the humans dancing. I know how to dance with emotion."

"Sure you can." Namjoon pats Jimin's head, not fully getting what Jimin was trying to say.

Jimin has been programed to dance ballet and always wanted to do it, but his old master never allowed him, said it was boring and a waste of energy.

Jimin is thankful that his old master didn't uninstall that program out of him.

They venture further into the museum, stopping to admire different sculptures and paintings. Namjoon explained the meaning behind all those paintings and why he believes the artist created it.

Jimin silently listened to him, processing all this new information, learning so much about art through Namjoon.

But most of all, he learned just how happy and confident Namjoon seems when he expresses about something he likes. It was the same when he explained the concept of happiness and love.

More and more, Jimin feels himself falling in love with Namjoon, his chest thumping with that strange sensation of happiness.

"Woah, this is new." Namjoon stops before a large stage, where others have gathered, presumably to watch a show.

Jimin sees a sign that says Black Swan. His processors automatically pick it up as a ballet.

"Dance." He says, moving away from Namjoon, drawn to the stage.

Namjoon was too busy looking at a woman dressed as a white swan come on the stage. He didn't realize Jimin had slipped away from him.

Jimin approaches the side of the stage, where he overheard an argument in the back. He peeks around the corner and sees a man dressed as the black swan, arguing with a woman who appears to be his boss. 

The white swan is alone on stage, and the music begins to play. Namjoon realizes she doesn't have her partner and looks to the side of the stage, his stomach dropping when he sees Jimin step up onto the stage.

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