× Valiant Heart ×

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The first sound to greet Jimin's ears is the harrowing scream of agony coming from Jungkook.

The android stirs, his eyes slowly flickering open, his systems coming to life as his vision come back into focus.  

He finds himself looking up at Namjoon, cradled in the human's arms. Namjoon isn't looking at him, but straight ahead, with a painful expression on his face. 

Jimin blinks, processing what was going on. He follows Namjoon's gaze and looks over across at Jungkook with his face buried in Hoseok's neck, crying his heart out with heavy breaths and soul crushing sobs. Hoseok looks upset as well, also crying, but not as hard as Jungkook. 

Jimin processes Hoseok's injured arm wondering what happened to him, then looks over next to Hoseok, where Dr. Zero sits, with her android Jonghyun laying on the ground in front of her heavily damaged and missing limbs. 

Finally, he looks next to Namjoon, at Taehyung who was staring blankly at Jungkook. On the floor by his feet was Yoongi knocked out. 

But upon seeing Yoongi, Jimin let's out a faint gasp, and Namjoon hears him, shifting his gaze down to the android in his arms. 

"Baby, you're awake!" Jimin picks up on Namjoon's heat beat and the happy expression that forms across the human's face. 

Jimin is still confused. The last thing he remembers is kissing Namjoon while being inside Jin's body, where he felt safe and comforted. Thinking about Jin, Jimin glances around what he now realizes is a van, and it's currently moving very fast. "Where is Jin hyung?" is the first thing Jimin asks when he realizes his broad shouldered friend is not with them. 

Namjoon's smile fades, replaced by that same pained expression from earlier. The human knew this was going to hurt Jimin alot, especially since Jimin had a close bond with Jin. He hates to see Jimin in pain, hates to see his boyfriend frown and cry. All he ever wants to see is Jimin's crescent eye smile and hear his bubbly airy giggles. 

All he wants is for Jimin to be happy. 

But it's going to be a while before anyone can find that happiness. 

"He's gone." Namjoon tells him with a soft whisper. His voice is low, almost voided of emotion. 

Jimin processes what was said, eyes flashing green and blue. "Gone?" he repeats after Namjoon. "What do you mean he's gone? To where?" he asks, looking around the van. "Where did hyung go?"

"He's dead, Jimin." Taehyung bluntly tells the smaller android, his face voided. "Jin is dead. He sacrificed himself to save our lives." he adds, looking out the window. 

Jimin blinks, shocked at the revelation. He follows Taehyung's gaze and looks out the window, at a blazing hell fire inferno that was getting smaller and small the further they go. 

Then it all hits him. The horrifying realization hits him like a truck, making him wrack out a gasp followed by a sob. "No! Not hyung! Not my Jin hyung!" Jimin gets off Namjoon's lap and goes to the door. "My friend! Hyung is my friend!" he slams his fist against the metal frame, rattling the doors hinges, sobbing loudly like Jungkook. "It's my fault. It's all my fault."

"Baby, stop." Namjoon pulls Jimin to sit down again, cradling the android in his arms. "It's not your fault. Jin hyung loved you very much and he sacrificed himself to save us."

Jimin hiccups, eyes bleary with blobs of tears. His mechanical heart was beating rapidly, the feeling of anxiety mixed with grief flooding through him. "He died saving me. It's not fair...its...not fair." he buries his face into Namjoon's chest, feeling overwhelmed by his friend's loss. 

Namjoon holds him even tighter, feeling the same pain as Jimin. "You know how much hyung loved to take care of us. We were all his main priority, no matter what." Namjoon rubs Jimin's back, using his softer, deeper tone to soothe the grieving android. His words were meant for Hoseok and Jungkook to hear too, with the younger male quieting down just abit, but still wracking out sobs here and there. 

"Hyung would do anything to protect us, to protect you above all. Because you were his first ever friend, and you were the first one to make Jin hyung self aware and free from Min Corp's bonds." Namjoon lifts Jimin face off his chest, looking the android deeply in the eyes, wanting to take away all of his pain. 

"Jin hyung was much more than just an android." Namjoon continues, gently placing his large hand over Jimin's chest, feeling the android's heartbeat. "To me, Jin hyung was a man with a valiant heart, and that's something no one will ever replace nor forget."

Namjoon always knew what to say. Always so articulate when he speaks, finding the right words to orchestrate the tension. The air in the van sudden thins out, with the heavy tension of grief simmering down. 

"Thank you." Jungkook speaks up, barely recognizing his raspy voice from all the screaming and crying he did earlier. He really needed to hear that, needed to hear some reassurance to get rid of the guilt in his heart for leaving Jin behind. Although the guilt was still there, just less painful than before. 

"You just called him a man." Taehyung says to Namjoon. "Do you consider him a man, and not a android?" 

Namjoon nods without a doubt. "Just because you are made of metal parts doesn't mean you aren't any less of a human. In my eyes, you, Jimin, Jin hyung, Soobin, and Jonghyun are all men to me. Men with good hearts, even better hearts than the human males that walk this earth." 

"Good hearts." Taehyung smirks. The android doesn't have that good a heart. There is a dark side to him that's just itching to come out, a side that only wants to appear when he's alone with Yoongi. 

"Speaking of, why is Yoongi here?" Jimin asks as he glances down at Yoongi on the floor, still knocked out. 

"Taehyung brought him along, plus we are going to need him anyways." Dr. Zero says, giving Yoongi a dirty look. "Jonghyun is heavily damaged and requires repairs. My lab back at the mansion does not have the machines to repair him."

"So why do you need Yoongi?" Namjoon asks. 

"Because I remember a long time ago, someone had mentioned another Min Corp headquarters hidden on one of the of coastal islands. If I can gain access to that building, I can make the repairs on Jonghyun." She explains. "The problem is, only a member of the Min Family can access it since it's eye and finger print only."

"Then why not just pull his eye out and chop his hand off?" Taehyung asks ever so casually. 

Dr. Zero glares at him. "He needs to be alive to do so. Plus, I also want him to confess to his crimes and and also lying about us. That way we can clear your names and you three can return home." she says, looking to Namjoon and his friends. 

"What makes you think this son of bitch will comply?" Hoseok asks. 

Dr. Zero smirks, looking over to Taehyung, who returns the gesture with a wide boxy smile. 

"You leave that part to me. I'll have the bitch mewling out his confessions by the time I'm done with him." 

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