× You know, I know ×

7K 478 773

"Hey hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook comes into the kitchen, hands tucked into the pockets of his sweats as he leans against the fridge, watching the android cleaning the dishes.

Well, it may seem like he's cleaning, but he is on multitask mode again, searching for more information regarding Min Corp, the company who created him and Jimin.

Jin needed to know why Jimin was the only one able to feel emotions like humans, and how did Jimin attain a virus within him to begin with.

He also wanted to investigate more on Min Yoongi, the CEO of Min Corp and Jimin's former master.

So far, all the information Jin has gathered is leading him in circles. Everything he can find about Min Corp was just the basic information everyone knows already.

In order for him to dig a little deeper, he's going to have to enter Min Corps mainframe system and dig out information there. But its too risky, and Jin didn't want to trigger the cybersecurity's defense systems, which can shut him down permanently if he's caught.

So he's going to have to hack the system from an external source, or his other option is to ask Jimin. But Jimin is still reluctant on giving him anymore information, the android seemingly scared of his past.

Something terrible must have happened for him to run away from Min Yoongi.


Jin blinks, setting his multitask mode on pause as he responds to that. "Yes Jungkook?" He gives the human a soft smile, something Jungkook is getting used to and loves to see.

Since finding out about Jin being self aware, Jungkook was filled with tons of questions for the android, questions about what Jin likes and dislikes and what he feels as an android.

Jin couldn't answer them all since he's still getting used to having emotions and such, but he did voice his dislikes, and wearing the butlers outfit was one of them.

So the android turns to Jungkook, broad shoulders fitted comfortably in the blue Kore sweater Jimin picked out for him and black jeans. His hair is well kept, with his bangs brushed back, exposing his forehead. Jin could have changed it, but he choose to keep his hair like that. 

Another is that he requested to be called hyung. He really likes being addressed as so, and Jungkook had no problems at all with it. But they can only do it when Hoseok is not around.

Hoseok still doesn't know about Jin's self awareness, and Jin is still afraid to tell him, despite Jungkook begging him to do so. Hoseok isn't as open minded as Jungkook, so Jin fears the human will have him returned to Min Corp, and if that happens, Jin will be terminated.

"You've been frowning alot. Are you okay?" Jungkook asks. Jin felt gratitude of being asked if he was okay, being treated like a human. And of course nothing gets past those bambi eyes of Jungkook.

"I'm okay Jungkook. I'm just getting used to facial expressions." He tells the human, shifting his brows to give himself a contempt expression. "Are you hungry? Hyung can make you something to eat."

Jungkook scrunches his nose, smiling widely as he stops Jin from reaching for the pots and pans. "No, how about you come and sit with me. I'm playing a game." He tugs Jin by his wrist, guiding the android to the living room where he currently has his Smash Bro game paused.

"But I need to finish cleaning." Jin says, but Jungkook waves it off and gestures Jin to sit down, him doing the same and handing a spare controller to Jin.

"You can finish that later. Right now I want to play with you." Jungkook goes back to game menu to choose a character. "You've seen me play this before."

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