× Digital Distortion ×

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"I need all eyes on the terminal four and six. I just got word that a Min Corp truck was seen in the area." Dr. Zero calls out to her staff as both she and Dr. Kwon pace around the lobby in a hurry. 

Taehyung quietly watches them from the side, observing her and Dr. Kwon's interactions, as well as the other scientists.

It's early in the morning, not even past eight when Soobin had detected an intrusion in the northern part of the slums. 

Turns out, Dr. Zero has eyes everywhere in the slums, and camera set up in all entrances just incase this ever happens. 

"It was spotted near the maintenance tunnel entrance." Jonghyun informs, sitting at the terminal and typing away on the keyboards, with the screen before him pulling up various frames of the truck near the tunnel. "It was parked for about five minutes before leaving the area, but we don't have a clear sighting if it actually left the slums. 

"Check camera two and five. They are located by the southside entrance." Dr. Zero stands behind him, sharply observing the screen before her. "Min Yoongi knows Jimin is here, he just doesn't know where." 

"Shall I go out to the southern entrance to investigate?" Soobin offers, standing very tall next to Dr. Zero. 

Actually, Taehyung realized Soobin is taller than everyone in the room.

"No, you are needed here." She says, looking up to her tall android. "Check the perimeter of the building for any suspicious activities. Report to me when done." 

Soobin happily nods, eager to please the scientist. "Yes Dr. Zero." he says before leaving to his duty.

"Dr. Zero, go to channel six now!" Dr. Kwon urges, eyes widened as she stares at her screen. 

Jonghyun types away on the terminal, switching the screen to what appears to be a live news broadcasting. 

There is a mass crowd standing in front of city hall. Surrounding them are Min Corp trucks and Min Corp security, all lined and facing the entrance of the City hall, where the mayor of Seoul is standing at a podium along side Min Yoongi. 

Normally this wouldn't interest Taehyung, but the headline on the bottom screen is what jolts him. 

One million dollar reward for the return of stolen CYBER-SX model. 

"Shit." Taehyung moves, heading upstairs to gather the others. "That little bastard." of course Yoongi would put money on Jimin's capture, and with a sum that high, the entire city will be searching every nook and cranny for the android, including the slums. 

He goes to the first room he sees, using his infrared vision to see who is beyond the door. He detects two warm masses and a third one that was slightly cold. "You three, hurry and get out." he bangs on the door. 

Jin quickly opens it and glares at the android. "Why are you disturbing us?" he asks, using a cold tone of voice. 

"Min Yoongi is on the live news. Head downstairs now." he says, not waiting for a reply as he ventures down the hall to look for Jimin. 

He uses his infrared again, searching the room for the android and his tall human. It's towards the end of the hall, ad as he approaches, his hand stops on the handle when he sees only one cold mass and the faint sound of the shower running. 

"Jimin, I'm coming in." Taehyung says, not waiting for his reply as he opens the door and finds Jimin laying in bed, with the blanket only covering half his nude body. 

"Taehyung?" Jimin covers himself with the blanket and sits, curious at the androids abrupt entry. "Is something wrong?" he asks. 

Taehyung couldn't stop staring at the smooth expanse of Jimin's skin. But he wills himself to look Jimin in the eyes, his face stoic. "Yoongi is on the news. Head downstairs now." is all he tells him before leaving. 

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