× Off The Grid ×

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"My systems were hacked by another android, a model way different from the both of us." Jin says as he enters the parking lot, heading straight for Hoseok's car. 

After getting that harrowing message, it was clear that they were no longer safe in Seoul. They had to leave as quickly as they can, and they decided to head south to Gwangju. 

But there was still a small problem they had to deal with. 

"Yoongi is tracking us through that androids GPS system. All CYBER-SX models have a tracking module installed into their systems incase they get lost or stolen." 

"So Yoongi knew where Jimin was this whole time?" Hoseok asks, he is sitting in the back seat next to Jimin and Namjoon. 

"Not really. The virus inside Jimin hid his tracking coding from Yoongi, but when I registered Jimin into the system, he appeared in the system but not his exact location." Jin pulls out of the parking lot, heading straight for the highway. "He's tracking Jimin through me." 

"Is there a way to get rid of that tracking?" Jungkook asks, he is sitting upfront with Jin. 

Jin nods, "I need to run a full system scan, see if there is a tracking device implanted in my body. Jimin, you do the same."

"Okay hyung." Jimin closes his eyes and runs a full system scan, his inner networking searching and locating any tracking anomalies within him. 

"But how can you do that if you're driving?" Namjoon asks, feeling anxious. 

"It's call multitasking." Jin says, setting his sight forward and going into an internal scan while putting himself in multitask mode and driving towards the highway.

Jimin filters through his files and system registry, using the virus to help reveal all of the coding from Min Corp. "Ah! I found it." Jimin says, opening his eyes. "It's located behind our left eye." 

"Excellent. Now pull out your eye and remove it. I will do the same."

"WHAT!?" Hoseok and Namjoon scream at the same time. 

"Cool." Jungkook gawks in a amusement. "I want to see Jin hyung pull his eye out."

"I don't!" Hoseok panics when he sees Jin reaching for his left eye.

Jin pushes two fingers inside the socket, pushing the eye back a little before yanking it out, revealing a long wire connected to his eye. "Jungkook, remove that small chip on the side of my eye." Jin says, holding the eye with one hand while steering the car with the other. 

"Holy shit this is so fucking cool." Jungkook beams in excitement, feeling like he's in an action movie as he reaches over and pulls off a small computer chip from Jin's eye.

"I'm feeling sick." Hoseok says, his face literally gone pale from watching Jin pull his own eye out. 

"Namjoon, please assist me in removing this chip." Jimin turns to face Namjoon, already holding out his left eye that was connected to a string of wires leading back into the empty socket. 

Namjoon feels sick too, but unlike Hoseok he's not going to bitch about it. 

Carefully he pulls the chip off of Jimin's eye and examines it, seeing a small label that says Min Corp and a little blinking light. "What now?" Namjoon asks Jin. 

"Toss it out the window." Jin tells him as he shoves his eye back into the socket, the small appendage wiggles side to side, adjusting back into place before flashing green and blue, letting Jin know it's installed and ready for usage. 

Namjoon tosses the chip out the window, Jungkook doing the same. It will buy them some time, but it won't stop Yoongi's pursuit. 

"Where are we going now hyung?" Jimin asks as he shoves his eye back into the socket, the appendage flashes purples instead, indicating the virus in him. 

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