× Absolute Boyfriend ×

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One week later

"So the incident involving the thieves has been taken care of?" A reporter asks Yoongi.

The CEO nods from his seat, pleasantly smiling at the horde of journalists sitting on the ground in front of his table, all wanting to know the details of Yoongi's missing android.

After returning to Daegu, Yoongi assigned Dr. Kwon as head of the CYBER-SX program, giving her full access the Dr. Zero's laboratory and all her work on the program.

She took Jimin in and began working on a whole new programming. She reused the original PKJM095 program Dr. Zero created, but with alot of major changes and additional features Yoongi wanted to add.

"I have successfully retrieved my missing android, and its under the heavy protection of my Min Corp security team." He informs. 

"So the android wasn't being abused as it said it was. And what of Dr. Zero? She claimed you tried to kill her." More and more questions were thrown at him.

"I never done such a thing to her. It's all a lie roused by Dr. Zero as an act of revenge due to her untimely termination. As for the explosion of the car, It was an accident due a malfunction of the car's engine." he defends with a lie perfectly crafted for this situation. "Since it happened on Min Corp property, naturally she would put the blame on me." 

"And about the android saying it's been abused?" Another reporter asks. 

"A lie obviously." Yoongi says, smiling too wide. "Dr. Zero and her accomplices had rewired the android to say such things. I have never abused any of my products. It goes against my company policies. CYBER-SX models are companions, not slaves." 

"One more question!" Another reporter shouts. "The android claims it was in love with a human. Is it possible for Androids to even have emotions like humans?"

Yoongi chuckles at that. "No. It's not possible. Like I said before, Dr. Zero had rewired my android to say such things to ruin my reputation. But I assure you all, as well as the public watching, CYBER-SX models do not and will not have any emotions like humans." He stands up, concluding his speech and leaving the press conference room, with a flood of reporters asking too many damn questions. 

His personal guards escort him to his car. He gets inside, greeted by Dr. Kwon's presence. "Dr. Kwon. Is Jimin ready?" he asks her. 

"Yes sir. Jimin is waiting for you at your residence. I have done all that you've asked and gave him a new custom made programming." She says, looking down at her tablet and reading off on Jimin's new upgrades. 

"Stop. I want to be surprised when I return home." Yoongi tells her. She can see the excitement in his eyes, making her smile at her accomplishments. "And about the virus, how is your research going on that?" he asks. 

Her smiles drops a little. "It's going great." she says, with a calm smile.

"Good. I want a full detailed report tomorrow. My driver will take you back to the headquarters and I'll have CHM091 escort you." he says, taking out his phone to check on some emails. 

"Yes sir." Dr. Kwon nods, returning her attention back to her tablet. 

The drive back to Yoongi's mansion was about an hour. His mansion is located deep within the woods, secluded behind the cover of the trees. The car stops in front of the grand mansion, with a row a security guards standing in front of the front door, all waiting for their boss to exit the car. 

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