× Bonding and Masturbating ×

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"So, I caught Jimin masturbating in the café yesterday."

Hoseok chokes on his sprite, then slams the can down on the table, eyes narrowed with a mischievous grin already curving his lips as he turns his body to fully face Namjoon. 

"Spill it, all of it! I want details or it never happened!" he insist, scooting his chair closer to Namjoon's personal space. "Was it big? I bet his tip was pink!...It was pink right?" 

"Fuck sakes Hoseok, don't ask me that!" Namjoon groans, shoving Hoseok away from him. 

"C'mon Joonie, you can give me the dirty details! Jin's tip is pink, and very soft too." Hoseok shoots at glance at the android in the kitchen cooking. "Hey Jin, show us your dick."

"Yes sir." The android stops what he's doing and turns to face them, unzipping his pants and reaching in to grab his appendage. 

"NOO! Jin don't do it!" Namjoon covers his eyes, his face already turning red with embarrassment. 

"Oh c'mon Namdaddy, It's not like you've never seen a dick before."

"Hoseok! I don't want to see Jin's dick!"

Hoseok huffs out a deep breath, rolling his eyes. "Fine, Jin put your dick away before this virgin dies of a heart attack." he orders, and the android fixes himself and returns to cooking. 

"Aww, I wanted to see Jin's dick." Jungkook complains from over on the couch, playing his PlayStation 5. 

"Baby you saw it last night while we fucked." Hoseok reminds him. "You literally slapping it on your face too." he adds, making Namjoon cringe. 

"But I want to see it again." Jungkook pouts, and Hoseok can't deny his little bunny. 

"Okay, Jin whip your dick out again."

"Yes sir."

"NOOOO!!" Namjoon slams his palms on his face, feeling too hot all of the sudden. 

"I would like to see it too, hyung." Jimin, who is in the kitchen watching Jin cook, insists. "Can I see it hyung?"

Jin looks at Jimin, then blinks. "If that is what you wish."

"Jimin, no!" Namjoon forces his eyes on the android and not on Jin's dick, which was seconds away of coming out. "Don't look at it." he adds. 

Jimin nods, then covers his eyes with a giggle. 

"Alright, Jin put it back and finish cooking." Hoseok orders and the android does as told, saving Namjoon from the embarrassment. 

"Anyways." Namjoon glares at Hoseok laughing at him. "I left him alone to read books while I was working. When I finished my shift and went to get him, I found him in the adult section jerking off to Kama Sutra and other perverted stuff."

"My question here is, why does your job have dirty books?" Hoseok smirks. 

Namjoon glares at him. "It was the owners idea to cater to everyone. Plus there is a sign that says adults only."

"That didn't stop Jimin." Hoseok giggles loudly. "But that's interesting to know that he can masturbate on his own. It really does mean he has his own thought process." Hoseok looks over to Jimin standing next to Jin, the little android curiously watching the taller one cook. "It's fascinating, yet...scary." he looks back to Namjoon and shrugs. "I mean, you never know what you'll expect from him." 

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting him to learn how to masturbate." Namjoon mutters, still feeling his face burn from thinking about it. "And the fucked up part is...I...I got turned on."

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