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"Namjoon and I had sex last night."

Hoseok and Jungkook nearly flung themselves across the room, both grabbing Jimin's arms and pulling the android to sit down between them on the couch.

"C'mon Jiminie, fill my cup with the tea." Hoseok urges.

Jungkook nods enthusiastically, wanting to know the dirty details.

"Good god, you both are fucking dramatic." Namjoon groans at his friends. "Jimin, you don't need to tell them anything."

"I agree with Namjoon." Jin says from way over in the kitchen, doing his usual task of cooking, annoyed that Hoseok and Jungkook stopped helping him to listen to Jimin's sexual escapades. "Jimin, you shouldn't divulge such personal information without the consent of your boyfriend."

Jimin blinks, then pouts at Jin. "But this is an achievement I want to share with my friends."

"These idiots do not need to know about our sex life." Namjoon says, glaring at a hungry looking Hoseok and a horny Jungkook.

"Ignoring Namdaddy." Hoseok goes on, not looking at Namjoon flipping him off. "What happened last night?"

"And make it detailed too." Jungkook urges, doe eyes wide and shimmering with the horniness of a twelve year old watching porn.

"I fucked Namjoon."

Hoseok snorts. "Duh, you told us already."

Jimin giggles. "No, I meant I had my cock in his ass."

Jungkook and Hoseok lose their fucking minds.

"NAUURRR-" Jungkook screeches out loud, unable to the get the image of Jimin fucking Namjoon out of his head.

"PLEASE-" Hoseok wheezed at the mental image, knowing it must have been weird from the size difference.

Namjoon's face turns red as a tomato.

Jin slaps his spatula down and goes over to the couch, seating himself on the coffee table in front of them with a dead serious expression.

"Jimin, please elaborate more on this accomplishment." He says, being curious about how it all went down.

"Oh my fucking god, not you too hyung!" Namjoon throws his hands up in defeat, knowing he had lost his only alley to the provocation of Jimin's sex talk.

Jimin felt so happy being the center of attention. "Namjoon felt so warm and tight around me."

Hoseok and Jungkook started howling. Jin blinks, processing what was said.

Namjoon nearly wanted to throw himself out the window.

"Please tell me you have it all recorded." Hoseok begs. 

"Of course I do." Jimin says, pointing to his skull. "It's stored in my data base."

"I would like to have a copy, for research purposes." says Jin. 

"Yes! Give Jin hyung a copy!" Jungkook is practically foaming at the mouth thinking about Namjoon getting it up the ass. 

"Alright, that's enough." Namjoon's deep voice booms over their conversation, making everyone turn to the taller male with shock. 

Of course Hoseok smiles at Namjoon getting angry, Jungkook blushes deeply and Jin blinks at Namjoon, feeling his body tingle under the human's dominate gaze. 

"Daddy, it's okay if they watch." Jimin says, rising to his feet and going over to his human. "They can look, but the only one allowed to touch me is you." he says, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's waist, pulling the human close to his body. 

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