× Lost and Found ×

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"Did anyone find anything?" Jimin asks around, his expression laced with worry after finding out that Taehyung had taken Yoongi, despite the android warning Taehyung to leave Yoongi alone.

"No, we searched all the rooms upstairs and found nothing." Hoseok tells him as he comes down the stairs with Namjoon.

"He's not in the lab either." Dr. Eli adds, looking over to a very distressed Dr. Zero.

"If Yoongi dies, we will never be able to find the location of that lab." She huffs, trying not to sound desperate, but she can't control her feelings. Jonghyun needed new body parts and the hidden lab is the only place where she can fix him.

"If Taehyung is on our side, he won't kill Yoongi. Maybe rough him up alittle to get the information out of him." Jungkook says as he enters the mansion from searching outside.

"But why did he have to take Yoongi away from here? He could have questioned him in the containment room." Jimin questions Taehyung's motives.

A sudden thought crosses Hoseok's mind, as well as Namjoon's, both turning to give each other knowing looks. "Well.." Hoseok clears his throat, feeling awkward on having to tell Jimin the truth. "He did say he wanted to fuck Yoongi."

Jimin blinks, processing Hoseok's words. His eyes then go wide with realization, his face turning red. "But...we have rooms here for that..."

"Taehyung has a sadist protocol built into him. I'm sure he doesn't want any of us to walk in on what he had planned for Yoongi." Namjoon tells the group.

Jimin nods, understanding the sadist part since he's dealt with Yoongi. But he wonders what Taehyung is like as a sadist, perhaps even worse than Yoongi.

"Guys, look!" Hoseok points to the front doors as they open, everyone gawking in shock when they see Taehyung enter the mansion, holding Yoongi by the crook of his arm.

Right away Jimin sees how disheveled Yoongi looks, with his hair a matted mess, face red and bruised, with his shirt half open and wrinkled, exposing his chest that is cluttered with bite marks and purple and red hickeys. 

Yoongi couldn't even keep himself to stand up properly, and immediately falls to his knees in front of everyone, unable to stop his fall since his hands are handcuffed behind his back. 

"What did you do to him!" Jimin rushes up to them, but gets stopped by Namjoon grabbing his arm and pulling him back, telling Jimin to stay away from them, especially Yoongi. 

"I did what I had to do." Taehyung says, his tone flat and emotionless. He then looks to Dr. Zero, keeping his eyes on her as he grabs the back of Yoongi's head and yanks on his hair, forcing him to look up at the scientist. "Yoongi has something to tell you." he says, shifting his eyes down to the human. "Tell her."

Yoongi grits his teeth, feline eyes spewing a gaze of hated at the android. "No-Agh!" Yoongi's squeezes his eyes shut, groaning loudly as Taehyung tugs harshly against his hair, any hard and he'll rip the scalp off. 

"Taehyung, stop it!" Jimin hates to see people in pain, and although Yoongi deserves punishment for what he's done, Jimin didn't want Taehyung to be the one to give it Yoongi. Jimin still believes Taehyung is a good guy, unaware of the evil that resides inside the android. 

"Tell them, or I'll fuck you right here on this spot for everyone to see." Taehyung growls at Yoongi, eyes flashing red. 

"That's kinda hot." Jungkook whispers. 

"I know." Hoseok whispers back. 

Namjoon hears them and gives them a disapproving glare. 

Yoongi sneers at the android, cursing out his hated for him before looking over to Dr. Zero with the same amount of hatred. "The lab is located on Hongdo Island." he mutters. 

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