× Cyber Attack ×

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"Shh, it's okay hyung, you don't have to force it." Jungkook whispers to Hoseok, soothing his hands through Hoseok's hair to comfort him through his pain. 

Hoseok tries to speak again, but his voice comes off as broken whimpers and light sobs. He blinks back his tears, clutching onto Jungkook's hand, not wanting to be left alone. 

"I-I'm...s-s-scar-ed." Hoseok utters, and Jungkook can feel his hyung's hand trembling. 

"Me too hyung, but you and I know Jin hyung would never hurt us on purpose." Jungkook says, trying to convince himself more than Hoseok. Jin has never once raised his hand to hurt them, not once has he gone hostile and tried to kill them. 

Dr. Zero told him it was Yoongi that was controlling Jin's programming and Jungkook believes her. He knows Jin isn't a bad guy at all, but the damage has been done, and Hoseok's fear for Jin has been triggered.

"H-Hold me...Kookie..." Hoseok begs, and Jungkook does as told, laying himself next to Hoseok, spooning his hyung while holding him firmly in his arms. His heart nearly breaks when he feels Hoseok trembling and sobbing. 

"Hyung loves us." he reminds Hoseok. "I know he does." 


Meanwhile, Namjoon begins to awaken from his sleep. He stretches his arms out, expecting to feel Jimin next to him, but the spot where the android was is now empty and cold. 

"Jimin?" Namjoon calls for the android, now moving himself to sit up and look around the room, not finding the android anywhere. "Jimin, where are you?" he calls out again as he gets out of bed and puts on his shoes. 

Jimin wasn't located anywhere in the room, so Namjoon heads out. He sees Dr. Zero and Soobin on the way to the labs and joins them, asking if they've seen Jimin anywhere. 

"No, I figured he'd be with you." Dr. Zero tells him as she leads them to the doors where the lab is located. 

"Maybe he went to check up on Jin hyung..." Namjoon mutters to himself as the doors to the lab open and they walk inside. 

As soon as they turn the corner, their jaws drop, eyes going wide. 

They find Jimin completely naked and cuddled next to Jin who was silently weeping in Jimin's arms.

"How did he get free?" Dr. Zero asks with shock as she notices the restraints were open, with the android completely free to walk around if he wanted to.

"They hate me Jimin. They hate me.." Jin lightly sobs into Jimin's arms.

The smaller android gently pats his small hands along Jin's broad back, giving the taller android words of comfort. 

"Shh, its okay hyung, Jimin will take care of you." The android whispers to Jin, comforting his hyung just a bit more before sitting up and looking over to Namjoon and the others. 

"Jimin...what the hell is going on?" Namjoon asks with a hint of anger in his tone. 

Jimin picks up on it, worried that his human was getting upset. "Let me explain." he says, getting off the table and leaning down to grab his clothes. "I broke Yoongi's control on Jin hyung." 

"How?" Dr. Zero asks, still rooted to her spot in shock, respectfully turning her eyes away from Jimin as he gets dressed.

Soobin couldn't take his eyes off Jimin, his ears turning red.

"I did a deep system recovery on Jin hyung. It required me to make physical contact with him." He says so casually as he yanks up his pants then puts on his shirt.  

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