× Sacrifice ×

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"C'mon hyung, just fuck me already." Jungkook whines while leaning his entire body on top of Jin, gripping at Jin's shoulders and begging the android to rail him into the mattress.

"No Jungkook. As much as hyung wants to pleasure you-" And believe me, I want to fuck you good. "-I will not engage sex with you because you are intoxicated." Jin remorsefully tells him, which only makes Jungkook whine louder and throw himself on the bed with a tantrum.

"Jungkook, this is for your own good." Hoseok adds in, sitting himself next to Jungkook and slapping him on to ass to make him stop his tantrum. "You're too drunk right now. Go wash up and sleep."

"But I don't wanna." Jungkook pouts, giving both his hyungs a wide bambi eyed stare. "Can I least have a dick in my mouth? I'm hungry." He pouts.

Hoseok thinks about it. "Well, if my baby is hungry-"

"Hoseok. No." Jin warns, pointing at the human accusingly.

Hoseok holds both hands up in defense. "Its just a blow job hyung."

"Yeah, m'just a blowjob." Jungkook giggles, face flushed red from his intoxication.

"No. Jungkook is heavily under the influence and I will not allow him to engage into any sexual acts until he has sobered up."

"Okay mom." Hoseok scoffs, rolling his eyes deeply.

"Shh!! You guys hear something?" Jungkook speaks up, shifting his glance over to the window.

"I don't hear anything." Hoseok tells him as he looks over to the window too. "Are you hallucinating?" 

"No! I could have sworn I heard shouting." Jungkook says, keeping his eyes on the window.

Jin uses his enhanced sensors and listens, indeed he hears people shouting outside. "It sounds like a riot." He says, getting up with the intentions of going to observe out the window.

But suddenly something comes crashing through the window, landing right at Jin's feet.

Jin scans the object, his face goes blank.

It's a grenade.

"Run!" He yells, grabbing both Hoseok and Jungkook and dragging them to the door. As soon as he opens it, the grenade goes off, but instead of a blast, it emits smoke everywhere, making Jungkook and Hoseok fall to their knees coughing and wheezing.

Jin scans the contents of the smoke. "It's tear gas." He mutters, grabbing both Hoseok and Jungkook's arms and dragging them down the hall, where he hears shouting coming from downstairs.

"What was that?" Namjoon asks when he hears a loud explosion coming from upstairs.

"Something is going on." Jimin says, hearing shouting from down the hall. "We need to investigate." Jimin takes a step forward, but stops when something crashes through the stain glass window, landing before him and Namjoon.

"It's a grenade!?" Jimin gasps. 

"Jimin run!" Namjoon shouts, grabbing the androids hand and running out the room.

The grenade blows up, letting out smoke everywhere.

Namjoon instantly feels his eyes sting and begins to choke on air, making him stumble to the ground. 

Jimin is unaffected by the gas and guides Namjoon out the door and into the hallway, where they hear gunshots and screaming from down the hall.

"What-" something bumps into them, making the android stumble and fall onto the ground.

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