× Distortion pt.1 ×

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"It's like a war zone out there." Jungkook comments as he stares out his window, at the androids dragging humans down the street, all heading to where Yoongi is located.

They are close, about ten minutes away from the office building. Jimin ran an area scan and found a clear route near the back entrance of the building since the front was barricaded by Min Corp security.

Jin swerves in and out lanes, cars and pedestrians all over the place as people run for their lives, fleeing from their CYBER-SX models.

Jimin looks at all of them, his eyes flashing purple, the virus within him wanting to reach out to them, but Yoongi's control holds a firm grip, not allowing them to be saved. "I want to help them...they are in pain.." he says, touching the window and he extends his signal relay.

"You will baby." Namjoon says, giving Jimin a firm grip on his shoulder.

"Jin hyung, watch out!" Hoseok shouts as he points ahead at a cop car heading directly for them.

The android swerves the car, the cop car was too fast and ends up clipping the back of the car, causing it to spin out of control then crash into a few parked cars. The impact caused the air bags to deploy, smacking both Jin and Jungkook in the face.

Namjoon holds his head, feeling drops of blood drizzle down the side of his face. He slammed his head pretty hard against the window, causing it to crack under the impact.

Jimin blinks, using his scanner to scan everyone's bodies for injuries. "No internal injuries detected." He announces.

"That's reassuring." Namjoon groans, trying to fight back a the haze of an incoming concussion. "Is everyone-"

The door gets ripped open, and Namjoon suddenly feels hands on him, yanking him out the car. The world spins before Namjoon collides with the concrete ground, staring up at a random CYBER-SX model with glowing red eyes.

"Shit!" He kicks back, distancing himself from the android.

Jimin jolts out the car and jumps on the androids back, locking his arms around its neck to break it off. "Stay away from my boyfriend!" Jimin sneers, twisting the androids head off.

The door on Hoseok's side rips open, as does Jungkook's, both being yanked out of the car by two random androids muttering the enslavement objective.

Jin's eyes glow red as hw gets out the car and jumps over the hood, grabbing the android with Jungkook first, putting it into a headlock. "Jimin, help Hoseok!" Jin orders as he kicks thw back of the androids knees forcing it down to the ground.

Jimin looks over to the android dragging Hoseok away, the human screaming and clawing at the androids arm.

He runs up to the android and drop kicks it on the chest, sending it crashing into a parked car, activating its alarm system.

The noise attracted other androids in the area. Namjoon sees them looking to their general direction before approving. "We need to fucking go!" He says, looking to Jin first, who successfully rips off the androids head and tosses it on the ground.

Jungkook helped by kicking the head like a soccer ball to the other side of the street.

Jimin grabs Hoseok's hand and leads him back to the ground. The android he kicked was starting to get up again, showing no signs of resistance.

"The office building is two blocks down. We need to make a run for it!" Jin points ahead at the Min Corp office building.

Jimin's eyes flash green and blue, scanning for a safe route, but finding none. "All routes are compromised by hostile androids." He says, blinking again, his eyes now turning purple.

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