× Reasonable Suspicions ×

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"Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin, Jin." Jungkook mutters Jin's name over and over while poking the android in the back, seemingly bored while waiting for Jin to finish cooking. 

Jin is unbothered by Jungkook's presence, his mind too occupied in multitask mode to even care. 

While he's cooking, Jin is also searching the internet, checking up on current events, especially about the blackout that happened. To Jin, he can see small screens in front of him, each playing a video or an article about the blackout. 

The news reports say it was a malfunction error with the powerplant, but Jin knows it's an obvious lie. 

He also heard the scream when the power went out, and he was sure it belonged to another CYBER-SX model like him. 

He digs further, looking for anything that talks about CYBER-SX models, but all he finds are advertisements and such about them. So he looks into another way of finding out the truth. 

He goes into the system mainframe of cctv cameras in the area. CYBER-SX models cant access them due to the firewall installed in them. But Jin is now self conscious and in full control of himself so he can easily wander into different areas whenever he wants. 

He is careful not to thread on any restricted mainframes as to not raise suspicion. Also because Min Corp owns the cctv systems in the entire country, so one wrong move can get Jin caught by them. 

He finds the cctv of the powerplant and observes it, but finds nothing out of the ordinary. He then moves around the city, until he stops at a frame near the nightclub they went to. He sees a black van with the words Min Corp parked out front, then two men in blue suits getting out and entering the alley next to the club. 

Jin's furrows his brows. Why did Min Corp send two of their men to that area? 

He continues watching, jumping into the next camera installed in the area. It was located in the alley, but facing the street. Jin eyes flash green and blue, then he tilts his head aside, moving the camera to the direction where the men are. 

What he sees makes his internal sensors freeze. 

Lying on the ground next to a fuse box is a CYBER-SX model with half her body burnt, along with a large gaping hole in her chest. 

The men stand before her, one on of them speaking into a phone, but Jin can't hear him. 

Still, the sight alone is enough to make Jin feel uncomfortable, especially since it was the same model who took his and Jimin's I.D's at the front of the club. 

Jin wonders who would do that to her, so he backs out of the cctv mainframe and looks into the cameras records, pushing the boundaries a little and rewinding the footage to the time when the power went out. 

Another screen appears before him,  it's dark and the alley is empty. He watches, speeding up the footage just enough to where he sees the female android running with a look of fear on her face. 

She is awake...just like me? Jin wonders as he watches the footage, seeing her look back at something following her. 

What he sees next makes his jaw drop a little. 

It was the android he fought at the club, and it goes after the model and throws her into the fuse box, the electric currents jolting into her body like lighting. Jin can imagine it must've been terrible, but the worst part is when he sees that android shove his hand into her chest and rip out a mechanical heart.

Jin tenses, not realizing he had stopped cooking and touches his own chest, thinking back to when they fought, how that could have been him instead. 

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