× One Heart, Two Minds ×

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"Explain to me in full detail on just how the hell is this possible." Says Dr. Zero with a look of complete shock on her face.

When Jin had told them that he had Jimin inside him, they ran to get the scientist, all hoping she could have an answer to this. But she was stumped, unable to explain this mystery.

Namjoon is in shock still as he stares at Jin, eagerly waiting his reply with a small sliver of hope that he will see Jimin again.

"Well.." Jin begins to tell them of the plan he and Jimin made a while back when they were resting in the maintenance tunnels after escaping Yoongi the first time.

Jimin knew that eventually he would have to return to Yoongi, so he made a copy of himself while in sleep mode. He knew that if Yoongi were to get his hands on him again, he'd make Jimin erase all his data files, including his memories and himself as a being.

"He entrusted me with his copy." Jin says, touching his chest and feeling his mechanical heart beat. "I wasn't so sure of the plan at first since it's never been done before. There was a high risk that my programming will try an destroy Jimin's program, but the virus prevented that, and eased Jimin's program into my hard drive, which was the reason I was in sleep mode for a while." he explains. 

"So basically, there is two people living in one body." Jungkook summarizes, giving Jin a wide bambi eyed stare, both amazed and freaked out by this revelation. "Cool..."

"This is beyond what I ever expected CYBER-SX models to be capable of." Dr. Zero is amused and intrigued. "I'm sure you had to delete some files to accommodate Jimin into your system, correct?"

Jin nods. "I had to delete a few files, but nothing major." he tells her. "Jimin is safe inside me." he says, turning his attention to Namjoon. "Hyung will keep Jimin safe." he assures.

As much as this brings Namjoon so much relief, he is still skeptical. "Prove it. Prove to me that Jimin is really inside you." 

"Namjoon, Jin hyung won't lie about something like that." Hoseok tells him. 

"I know Jin hyung won't lie, but I need too see for myself that Jimin is truly inside him." Namjoon gives Jin a frim stare. He wasn't angry with the android, he just doesn't want to get his hopes up too soon. 

Jin understands the human's doubts. This was something new to everyone, including Jin himself. "What can I do to make you believe me?" Jin asks. 

Namjoon thinks about it for a moment. "Is there someway where I can talk to Jimin?" he asks. 

Jin processes that. "I'm not sure yet. I don't want to tamper too much with his programming or else it can corrupts my system files. After all, Jimin is technically a virus in my system."

Dr. Zero takes a mental note of that. "I have a lab in the basement. When we get the power running, I would like for you to come down there so I can do further research and see what we can do." she offers. 

"Thank you." Namjoon tells her, being ever so grateful they have her on their side. 

"Is there someway else I can do to prove that Jimin is inside me?" Jin asks Namjoon. 

"There is another way..." Namjoon says, looking at Jin's chest. "Show me your heart." 

Jin blinks, processing what was asked of him. 

"How the hell is that even possible?" Hoseok asks. 

"It's possible." Dr. Zero tells him. 

"Indeed." Jin continues as he lifts up his shirt and touches around his chest, activating the sensors on the skin and slowly turning it translucent. 

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