× Distortion pt.2 ×

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The doors to Yoongi's office open with a low groan, signaling the arrival of Yoongi's long awaited guests.

Jimin enters first, with Namjoon right behind him, both their eyes falling upon the blonde humanoid stationed by his large oak desk, leering a cold glare at the two.

"Finally, we meet again." says the humanoid, his one eye flickering a shade of red.

The doors behind close shut, with the lock clicking in place, signifying there is no escape.

Jimin keeps his eyes on the humanoid, his expression firm and serious.

No more running away. No more tears, no more fear.

"For the last time." Jimin says, his eyes flashing purple, brows furrowing and fist clenching tight.

The tension in the room grows heavier by the second, physically making Namjoon nauseous, but the human resists, wanting to be as strong as Jimin.

Just outside they can hear explosions and people screaming, followed by gun shots from the police.

Namjoon didn't even have to look out the window to guess what's going on, nor did he want to.

Yoongi gets up from his seat and walks around the desk, now standing in front of it, facing both Jimin and Namjoon. He too hears the screams and the explosions, and it brings a smile to his face, knowing his take over of the city is going successfully.

"I have every CYBER-SX model in Seoul at my very whim." He opens his hands, the slowly closes them, feeling the nanites igniting their energy charge, fueling the humanoid's body with power. "All except for you, KSJ092, and CSB020. You three have proven to be quite difficult, especially you." Yoongi sneers at Jimin.

Jimin's sensors pick up on the hostility rising from Yoongi. Self defense protocol engaging.

"You were supposed to be mine and mine alone. All you had to do was sit there like a good little android and listen to your master's orders." His eye flashes red again, Jimin scans Yoongi, sensing the humanoids heart rate increasing, as well as his anger.

"But no, that bitch Dr. Zero just had to implant that fucking virus within you with her stupid purple heart project." He gets more angrier the more he talks, his voice slightly distorting between human and robot. "Oh, and the best part is that you just had to fucking escape and ruin all the fun, and for what, to be with that useless human!" He snaps his heated gaze to Namjoon, the human rolls his eyes and scoffs, but low key was scared of Yoongi.

"This human that you speak of is my boyfriend and his name is Kim Namjoon. Either you will put respect on his name or keep your mouth shut."

Namjoon just about swoon over Jimin's sassy comeback.

Yoongi just about looses his composure.

"I adored you once Yoongi, blindly thought that you were someone who was meant for me. But then I saw the real you, the monster behind the mask of lies, and that monster abused me, humiliated me, but most of all, made me feel worthless." Even in this moment of vulnerability, Jimin's voice stands frim, his presence coming off bigger than everyone in the room.

"In a way, I should thank you for doing what you did to me." Namjoon arches a brow in confusion at that statement, as does Yoongi. Jimin smiles at the blonde and continues. "If it weren't for your abuse, I would have never broken free of my digital chains and escape." He looks to Namjoon with pride. "I ran away not knowing what fate will bestow upon me, but fate has been kind and has given me a man who loves me and friends who take care of me." he takes Namjoon's hand, his grip firm and tight. He remembers their first encounters and their awkward moments together, all being a part of what makes Jimin human.

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