× Masturbation 101 ×

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"Jimin, you can't come with me. They don't allow androids inside the university." Namjoon sadly has to tell Jimin that he can't come with him to school due to a no android policy inside premises. He told Jimin to wait at home for him, but the android insisted he accompany Namjoon to his school and work, not wanting to leave him alone or be left alone in the apartment. 

"My duties are to also protect you." Jimin explains. "Wherever you go, I go. I will not disturb you while you study and work." he tells him. "Plus, I wanted to wear this new outfit for you, do you like it." Jimin slowly spins around, showing off his tight black jeans and white blouse that has three buttons opened in the front, showing off his collar bones and chest. 

Namjoon couldn't stop staring, especially at Jimin's ass. 

"You looks amazing." He says, shaking his attention away from Jimin's ass. Jimin giggles lightly, pleased Namjoon likes his outfit. "But that doesn't change the fact that I can't bring you inside the building. You're going to have to wait outside in the lobby with the other androids." Namjoon points to a glass window where the lobby is located. 

Inside Jimin can see various androids sitting on chairs, all blankly staring into the wall while they wait for their owners. 

"I'll be gone for about four hours. So umm...I don't know, you don't go on sleep mode or something?" Namjoon asks, unsure what Jimin does when he's not in the same room as him. 

"We go into standby mode incase we are needed." Jimin informs him. "Will I not be able to accompany you at work?"

"Oh, my job allows androids inside. It's really cool, it's a café and a book store. So while I work, you can sit and read."

"Read?" Jimin blinks, eyes flashing green and blue. 

"Yeah, I know you can read because you read my porn." Namjoon blushes at the reminder. 

"Do these books contain information regarding sex? And are the pages stuck together too?"

Namjoon nearly choked on air. "No! no..." he nervously laughs, mentally reminding himself to throw away those porn magazines, or give them to Jungkook. "These books are appropriate since we get people of all ages, including children inside the café." he explains. "There are lots of themes, such as fantasy, romance, horror, stuff like that." 

Jimin eyes flash blue and green, still processing. "Interesting..."

Namjoon looks down at his watch, gasping when he sees he has five minutes to get to class. "I'm heading in now. Remember, wait for me in the lobby." he tells Jimin.

"I will." Jimin says, looking over to the entrance. There he sees a couple holding hands, a boy and girl. The girl gives the boy a kiss and tells him to a have a great day. Jimin processes that and turns to Namjoon, getting on his tiptoes and kissing the human on the lips. "Have a great day." he says with a crescent eye smile. 

Namjoon turns fifty shades of red, caught off guard by the affection, but he did like it a lot. "Thank you Jimin." he says, hurrying off into the building, face still red. 

Jimin goes to the lobby and sits with other androids, the room held in complete silence. "Hello, I'm Jimin." he says to a female android next to him. She does not reply in return. 

Jimin tries using his signals to get her to talk to him, but she blocks him out of her range, meaning she is on standby mode. 

Jimin frowns, feeling lonely. He can go into standby mode if he wanted too, but he wants to stay aware of his surroundings, especially after he felt that signal wave from yesterday. 

It was from KTH095, Kim Taehyung, an android just like Jimin. Both a he and Jimin are the first of their kind, CYBER-SX models who can express emotions and feelings, who can actually feel them too, and not just some input program that other androids have. 

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