× Cock Warmer ×

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"So now are you going to explain what I have to do to apologize to you?" Hoseok asks Jin as they enter their home, the three taking off their shoes and heading directly to the living room. 

"I'm curious too hyung." Jungkook says to Jin. 

The android's eyes flash green and blue, his computer mind processing ideas, but one seemingly stands out the most. 

"Well, before we discuss that, I want to discuss something else first." he says, folding his arms across his broad chest. "From now on, our relationship will no longer be master and servant." Hoseok wanted to say something, but Jin points a finger at him, shutting the human up. "I will still cook and clean, but you both have to help out too." he adds. 

"I actually always wanted to help you, but Hoseok hyung would tell me no." Jungkook voices out. Hoseok glares at him. 

"You are more than welcome to assist me in cooking an cleaning." Jin says, patting Jungkook on the head. "Further more, I require more clothes. I will no longer wear that ridiculous butler outfit." he says, looking to Hoseok. 

"Okay hyung, I'll take you tomorrow for clothes shopping!" Jungkook eagerly insists. 

"But the butler outfit it makes your ass look so plumped." Hoseok groans. 

Jin ignores that and continues. "As I told Jungkook before, I want you to call me hyung. It's appropriate seeing as I'm older than you."


"And-" Jin stresses, giving Hoseok a glare. "I want us all to live comfortably together. I...I want our relationship to be friends."

"We can be more than friends." Jungkook says, doe eye sparkling with glints of want and desire. "We can be boyfriends, like Namjoon hyung and Jimin hyung."

"No!" Hoseok says loudly, moving away from the two. "I'm not ready for that." he says, turning away from them.

"But hyung, we already fucked Jin hyung hundreds of times. It's not like he's a stranger." Jungkook says, going over to comfort his boyfriend. "Plus no one has to know he's our boyfriend, just us and Namjoon and Jimin." 

"Jungkook, don't instigate it." Jin says with a soft tone. "We can take it slow, start over as friends, then we build from there." 

Jungkook puts on a pout, wanting Jin to be part of their relationship. But he understands Hoseok still needs more time to adjust to this new change in their dynamic. 

"And finally, you both may still have sex with me, but with consent. Meaning if you want to engage with intimacy with me, you have to ask me. So no more randomly bending me over the counter and fucking me." he looks to Hoseok. "And no more one hour session of blowing my back out while playing video games." he adds, looking to a blushing Jungkook. 

"Okay hyung, I totally respect that." Jungkook says, looking to his boyfriend. 

Hoseok sighs, but nods in agreement. "I can deal with the consent." 

Jin smiles at that. "Good, now for your apology." he says, facing Hoseok. The human feels his stomach drop. "I really wanted to wash the filth our of your mouth with soap, but that's hazardous for human's, and I don't want to cause you harm."

"What the hell??" Hoseok retracts away from Jin. "So then what are you gonna do to me?" 

"I'm gonna make you hold my cock in your mouth for ten minutes." 

Hoseok nearly chokes on air, but refrains from doing so and just blankly stares at Jin. 

Jungkook falls on his ass, laughing hysterically. 

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