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Namjoon and Jimin head upstairs to the bedroom, both quietly holding hands as they go.

"Baby, please open the door!" They hear Jungkook's voice, and when they turn the corner, they find the younger male standing outside one of the doors, with Jin looking very worried.

"Is Hoseok hyung okay?" Jimin asks as he and Namjoon approach them.

Jungkook rests his forehead against the door, huffing out a deep sigh.

"Hoseok has locked himself in the bedroom and refuses to talk. We are both trying to gain communication with him." Jin tells them.

Namjoon scoffs loudly. "He's being over fucking dramatic again." He says, but loudly so that Hoseok can hear him. "He's probably trying to get that stick out of his ass-"

The door unlocks, suddenly flying open.

"First of all, fuck you Kim Namjoon!-oh!" Hoseok gets shoved back into the room by Jungkook. Jin quickly follows from behind and shuts the door, leaving the Minjoon duo alone in the hallway.

"Namjoon, why did you say that?" Jimin asks, blinking with curiosity. "Hoseok is your friend, and friends shouldn't say mean things to each other."

Namjoon chuckles a little and tugs along, leading them down the hall to a vacant bedroom. "Hoseok knows I'm just giving him tough love. I don't actually mean what I said."

"Tough love?" Jimin blinks again, processing it as they enter a vacant bedroom.

"Yeah, but I'm not in the mood to fully explain it." Namjoon says, shutting the door and locking it before looking around the bedroom.

The room was quite large, with a queen size bed already dressed with dark grey sheets. There was a small dresser, a desk, and a tv mounted on the wall. There is a large window to his right, overlooking parts of the slums.

Namjoon goes up to it and closes the dark grey curtains, not wanting anyone to look inside.

On the other side of the room is a walk in closet, and next to it is the master bathroom. Namjoon figures this must have been one of the fancier suits when the hotel was running.

After all they've been through, a shower is very much needed. So Namjoon moves forward to the bathroom, taking his shirt off along the way.

Jimin quietly follows him, but stops at the door of the bathroom and gawks at Namjoon's body.

They have survived a harrowing chase by Min Corp, resulting in minor injuries, but Jimin never suspected Namjoon's injuries to be severe.

All over his back are bruises and cuts, some already with dried blood, most likely when the glass broke from the impact of the other car hitting them.

Across Namjoon's chest is a fading imprint of the seatbelt from when Jin had stopped the car to get Minho off the hood. There are alot small cuts and bruises along his chest too, as well as his arms.

"You have extensive injuries." Jimin tells him, unable to take his eyes off the bruises and cuts. Its all my fault.

Namjoon looks down at himself, shrugging it off. "It doesn't even hurt, plus these will heal." He says as he takes off his shoes, then his pants along with his boxers.

Jimin stays silent, his gaze now drawn to the ground, lips compressed firmly into a frown.

Namjoon sees the way Jimin's shoulders shake, and can clearly hear the android trying to hold in a sob.

"No, baby come here." Namjoon pulls the android to his chest, squishing Jimin's cheek along his tit. "Do not blame yourself for this."

"But they were after me. You guys got injured because of me." Jimin whimpers, feeling distressed and sad.

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