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"I need everyone to calm the fuck down and listen to what I have to say." Dr. Zero's voice booms over everyone in the room, silencing them. She and Jonghyun were able to control the outburst that happened, especially with Namjoon and Jungkook.

It wasn't easy considering Namjoon is a big behemoth and Jungkook is just pure muscles, but thankfully Jin and Jimin came in and controlled their humans, sitting them aside so that she can discuss what happened. 

"Min Yoongi is using money as a dirty trick to get what he wants. Do not fall for his lies." She says, looking at each and every scientist in the room with eyes of judgement. "He will not pay you any sum of money. He will kill you before you even get a chance to touch it." 

"But is it true what he said? About those three guys stealing that android?" One scientist speaks up. 

"No, it's not true." Namjoon juts out of his seat, already ready to throw hands. Jimin had to grab his arm and pull him to sit down again. 

"We are not fucking thieves. I fucking bought Jimin as a birthday present for Namjoon." Hoseok tells them. 

"It's true. I was with him when we were choosing an android for him. We picked the random select option and got Jimin." Jungkook adds to Hoseok's defense. 

"I believe you guys." Soobin timidly speaks up. Jimin smiles brightly at him, making the tall android shy away with a blush.

"But Dr. Zero, what do we do now? Yoongi has the upper hand with his cyber security team and half the city looking for them." Dr. Kwon explains her concerns, giving a fake smile of remorse to the three humans.

Taehyung scoffs under his breath and shifts himself closer to Jimin, keeping a heavy glare on the suspicious scientist.

Dr. Zero huffs out a slow breath, then wipes the sweat from her brow and turns to the monitors that are still displaying the news. "For now, we set up a perimeter around the hotel. We don't know how many people saw them when they entered the slums either so you guys have to stay in the building for your safety."

"I feel uncomfortable here." Jimin voices out. He looks around at the eagerness in the other scientist eyes, no doubt they want to risk it all and rat him out for the money.

"You are going to be safe Jimin. Nobody will do anything to change that." She says loud and clear, tossing another judgmental glare at the other scientists.

"It will be a matter of time before the whole slums comes banging at the doors for us. We were seen by alot of people when we arrived." Namjoon inputs. "Yoongi has the public doing his dirty work." He adds.

Dr. Zero smiles at him. "If Yoongi wants to play dirty, then so can we." She says with an idea coming to mind. "Jonghyun, set up a camera by the terminals and have it linked to the broadcast."

"What are you doing?" Dr. Kwon asks her.

"Giving Yoongi a taste of his own medicine." Dr. Zero types away on the monitor while Jonghyun sets up a small camera by the tables, aiming it at a blank wall.

Dr. Kwon catches on to what Dr. Zero is planning and frowns with worry. "Dr. Zero, if Yoongi finds our you're alive, it will cause a greater risk for us."

Dr. Zero scoffs. "What's he gonna do? Kill me again?" She chides, holding up her metal arm. "Plus he can't track us anyways. This terminal is under a ghost protocol." She adds, typing away and hacking into the broadcasting system.

"So what is the plan?" Jungkook asks as he curiously approaches her. Hoseok follows behind with Namjoon and Jimin.

"I'm going to send a broadcast to the public. Its about damn time someone rips off the mask of lies Yoongi has been parading." She explains, then looks over to Jimin. "Jimin, I need you to tell everyone about Yoongi and about yourself. They need to know the truth."

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