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Time seemingly falls still as Namjoon stares at the barrel of Yoongi's gun, his body paralyzed under the electrifying gaze of Yoongi.

There are questions running through Namjoon's mind, questions that will probably never get answered due to the given situation.

Yoongi smirks. He can tell but the quick shifting of Namjoon's eyes and his stiff posture that the taller male has many questions for him.

The obvious one being, how the hell is Min Yoongi there?

"What's wrong Namjoon? Cat got your tongue?" Yoongi chides, the corner of his lip lifting up as his smirk widens, showing off his gums and teeth.

Finally breaking out of his thoughts, Namjoon straightens his posture and changes his expression from confused to annoyed.

Indeed, he is annoyed Yoongi is here, but more so annoyed that Jimin was standing next to Yoongi, one hand on Yoongi's shoulder while giving Namjoon a look of indifference.

That's to be expected of course. Even though it's Jimin's body, his mind is not his own, completely replaced by whatever Yoongi had put into him, with the only way of getting Jimin back is if Jin plants Jimin programming back into the android. 

Shit, Jin isn't here. Namjoon frowns. The android is still in the lower floors, fighting off the Min Corp guards with Hoseok and Jungkook. Now he'll have to figure out a way to stall Yoongi until Jin can arrive, that's if the android can arrive on time. 

"How the fuck are you here?" Namjoon finally speaks after what seems like an eternity of silence, but only has been a minute. 

Yoongi sits back on his chair, crossing one leg over the other, keeping the gun pointed at Namjoon as he takes Jimin's hand with the other and places a chaste kiss upon the androids knuckles, further pissing Namjoon off. "I've always been here. You think I'm stupid enough to leave my property unattended?"

Namjoon knows Yoongi is not referring to his company, but to Jimin as his property. "Bastard." Namjoon growls, dragon eyes leering a hateful gaze upon Yoongi. 

"In today's society, you gotta be two steps ahead of the enemy. See them before they can see you." Yoongi reaches into his desk and takes out a small device that looks like a remote. He points it at the ground in front of Namjoon and clicks it, making a life size image of Yoongi appear before Namjoon, pacing around the room while on the phone.

Namjoon blinks in shock at the hologram walking around, doing the same gesture he saw from the footage of the drone in front of Yoongi's mansion. "You knew.."

Yoongi scoffs. "Of course I knew Dr. Zero was watching me. Can't have that woman ruin the fun, right?" Yoongi clicks the remote, shutting off the hologram. "I knew you were going to come back for me, specifically...." he wraps his arm around Jimin's waist, making sure Namjoon sees his hand grope Jimin's ass. 

The android mewls to his master's touch, giving Yoongi an airy giggle, just like he used to give Namjoon. That shit hurt, it really did, and Namjoon's heart cracks at the sight of Jimin smiling fondly at Yoongi while getting groped. 

"For Jimin." Yoongi continues. "Obviously I'm not going to allow you to take him. He's my property after all."

Fury boils within Namjoon, bubbling up his chest until it rises out of his throat. "He's not some fucking toy for you to claim over!" he shouts, voice deep and commanding. "He may be an android, but his thoughts and feelings make him valid as a human. To me, Jimin is human, and I won't let you treat him like a sex toy, or worse, a slave." 

Yoongi arches a brow, his expression stoic after Namjoon's outburst. 

"Hyung, the intruder is showing signs of aggression. Shall I remove him from the property for you?" Jimin asks, glaring at Namjoon. 

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