× Containment Breach ×

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"Taehyung, we need to have sex."

The android blinks, processing what was just said by the humanoid who was strapped down to a metal chair in the middle of a conference room.

Yoongi had been brought there to be exhibited by his father's military friends. If it goes according to plan, Yoongi's father hopes to expand the HUMANOID-SX program to create an army of super soldiers.

But Yoongi won't allow that.

There can only be one HUMANOID-SX.

"As much as I would love that, we can't." Taehyung reluctantly tells him. "We don't even have privacy around here." He adds, glancing over to the camera in the corner of the room.

Since Yoongi's awakening, Taehyung hasn't had much time to get intimate with Yoongi since the humanoid is constantly watched 24/7 by cameras and guards. The small moment they shared in Yoongi's room was short lived as the guards came a few minutes later to make sure the cameras in Yoongi's room were working.

Since then,  Taehyung was only able to steal a few kisses here and there, but obviously it's not enough.

"Why the sudden urge?" Taehyung asks, keeping his face neutral as he glances at the security guards standing outside the conference room. "Did you miss daddy's cock that much?" He asks with a sly grin.

"Don't fucking flatter yourself." Yoongi chides. "I'm asking because I'm very low on energy and my body is too weak to function properly." He clenches his jaw, one eye flashing red with anger.

Yoongi knows his full potential, knows just how dangerous he truly is, but with the nanites in his body at low energy, he can't do much, aside from shifting out his relay signals to scare Jimin and his friends.

"Even if you're at full power, you're still under Min Corp control." Taehyung informs. "Plus, how does having sex with me benefit you? Well, other than getting pleasure out of it."

As Yoongi was about to answer that, his sensors pick up on footsteps, followed by his fathers voice accompanied by others. He shifts his gaze to the doors, hearing his fathers heavy footsteps and his light breathing as he talks about his work. Yoongi's senses are so enhanced that he can literally hear the rapid beating of his father's heart as they draw closer to the conference room. 

Taehyung picks up on the movements a whole minute later, but unlike Yoongi, he can only hear the voices approaching. 

"Gentlemen, what you are about to witness is the new era of cyber technology." 

The doors to condense room open, with Mr. Min and his company entering the room, along with Eli and a few heavily armed guards.

The guards take their positions on either side of Yoongi, both facing him with stoic expressions as they await their orders.

Mr. Min and his acquaintances all sit down at an oval table in front of Yoongi. Most of them are military personal, one or two being politicians.

"Yoonjae.. when you said you had a new break through in cyber technology, you never mentioned it was your son." One of them, an army general, comments as he stares in shock at Yoongi.

All of them look to Yoongi in shock. No doubt because of what they uncovered, but also because of Yoongi's appearance.

Yoongi is still bald and pretty much hairless everywhere, and only wearing a black hospital gown. His skin is still very pale and gaunt, with the noticeable markings of the injection tubes on his arms.

Yoongi silently stares at them, his tongue simmers inside his mouth with the urge to lash out at them. His mechanical brain starts to work in motion, scanning each of the men in the room. A small window appears in his vision relaying information about the men. He didn't know he could do that until now.

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