× Regroup and Rest ×

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"He was so cruel to me, made me...feel like I was worthless." Jimin utters, unable to hold back his tears as he finishes telling them his story.

Everyone sat in silence, all feeling mixed emotions after hearing Jimin's story. 

Namjoon holds Jimin in his arms, soothing the android and whispering words of comfort, hating how someone could be so vile and cruel to a helpless android. 

Jin was shocked, especially seeing that Jimin can produce tears. He touches his own face, wondering if he can do the same. But that's the least of his worries at the moment. Right now his main concern is Jimin. 

"I'm sorry that happened to you Jimin." Jungkook says, instinctively holding Hoseok's hand, which he already knew was trembling after hearing Jimin's abuse story. 

Hoseok felt so sick to his stomach, especially since he's been through that situation before with an ex boyfriend. The guy was mentally and physically abusive to him, nearly broke his arm once because Hoseok wanted to break up with him. It wasn't until Jungkook came into the picture, that the younger male beat the shit out of Hoseok's ex and took Hoseok away from that life. 

No one should ever go through what Jimin went through, android or not. 

"I'm sorry too." Hoseok speaks up, then catches everyone off guard as he goes and sits next to Jimin on the couch. Namjoon wraps Jimin tighter around the waist, holding the android away from Hoseok, still pissed off from their fight earlier. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I' sorry for being an asshole to you. You too Namjoon."

Namjoon scoffs at Hoseok, still feeling bitter. It's going to take a lot more than an apology for Namjoon to fully forgive Hoseok. But he sees his friend is making an effort, so he'll accept that. 

But Jimin was not upset with Hoseok. He understands Hoseok is one of those humans who only see androids as objects, but he knows deep down Hoseok isn't a bad person, he just needs some time to understand Jimin. 

"It's okay Hoseok hyung. I know it must be scary to see an android hold such much emotion like a human, but I assure you, I am harmless and all I want is to be happy." Jimin snuggles himself into Namjoon's arms, feeling the human's warmth and heartbeat. "And I finally found that happiness."

Hoseok looks at the two, then to Jin, who was smiling at Hoseok, happy that the human was owning up to his mistakes. "Jin hyung, I'm sorry too."

"We'll talk more about your apology to me when we return home." Jin says, grinning at Hoseok. 

The human gulps, remembering what Jin said earlier. 

"So that virus in you, is it...contagious to other androids?" Jungkook asks, looking to Jin, then over to Taehyung, who was still offline and laying on the ground near the window. 

"I believe so. I mean, it infected Jin hyung and he's now fully self-aware and capable of showing emotions like me." Jimin looks to Jin, then to Taehyung. "It even saved my friend." 

"So if it's able to...make androids become self-aware and have emotions, wouldn't that be a problem?" Hoseok asks, and before anyone could get on his ass about his statement, he continues. "I'm just saying...it could be dangerous. There could be androids who would hold a grudge and attack their owners, harboring feelings of anger and hatred."

"Hoseok hyung has a point." Jungkook says, looking to Jimin. "We are lucky that you are very nice, and Jin hyung is protective over us." he turns his attention to Taehyung. "That one over there, we aren't sure, but if Jimin hyung says his friend is now harmless, then I believe him." 

"How can the virus inside you transfer to other androids?" Namjoon asks, curious about all this. 

"It's either by physical contact, or if an android scans my id card into the system." Jimin looks to Jin. "The day you registered me into the system, the virus infected you."

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