The Crowded Palace

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It was going to be around 10:00 everyone would arrive. Babushka, Aunt Xenia, Xenia's sons and husband, Aunt Olga, Cousin Irina, Felix Yusupov, Igor's mother, and Igor's siblings were all coming to day. It was a little too much for Vladimir to endure.

"Relax, you are going to be fine." I laughed as I put on my shoes. Vladimir sat on the edge of the bed just in thought.

"I don't want to ruin the day for you."

"You won't. Nobody is going to say anything to you. Volodya, it is all in your head."

"You say that, but do you forget the first time I met your parents? I felt very judged."

"You have been in this family long enough to where no one really cares anymore. You will be fine. Just be lucky none of Maria Pavlovna The Elder's children will be here. They define the term 'judgmental'."

There was a sudden knock on the door. I called for them to come in and Lili Dehn opened the door. She smiled at me, and gave Vladimir a slightly nasty look.

"Maria Nikolaevna, your Uncle Sandro and Aunt Xenia are here along side Princes Nikita, Vasili, and Feodor. According to his majesty, the other princes were not able to attend."

"Oh, that's a shame. Will Aunt Olga be here soon?"

"Yes, she is on her way. However, it does sound like she will not be bringing her husband or children."

"Ah, I see. Thank you, Lili. Prince Paley and I will be down a minute."

Lili Dehn nodded before closing the door. Vladimir and I exchanged looks. He deeply sighed and stood up.

"Lilas, let us do this. And when we get home, I think we should get a dog. A dog sounds lovely, doesn't it?"

I giggled and walked over to him. I took his hand. "We can talk about a dog when we get home. But we can think about that letter. We have to do this first."

Vladimir and I walked through the halls and then downstairs. Aunt Xenia and Uncle Sandro along with Nikita, Vasili, and Feodor were downstairs too. Felix Yusupov and Cousin Irina were speaking with Dmitri. And just as we started walking down, the doors opened up and in walked Igor's brothers, sisters, and mother: Ioann and his wife, Helena, came in. Konstantine brought his wife, Lady Mary Somerset, a young girl he had met while in England. Tatiana Konstantinovna and Vera Konstantinovna came too with George. Obviously, Gabriel couldn't be here.

"Mama." Igor smiled at his mother, Mavra. and walked over to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Igor, my darling boy, it has been too long. Oh, is that Maria Nikolaevna?" She gasped as she saw me come all the way down the stairs. Mavra walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Oh, you are still such a beauty. And this is Prince Paley?"

"Yes." I smiled. Mavra held out her hand at Vladimir. Vladimir weakly smiled and picked up her hand, gently placing a kiss on it.

"Hello Ma'am, it is such a pleasure to meet you. I must say, you look very exquisite this morning." Vladimir said. Mavra scoffed and shook her head.

"You tease me, young man. Say, how is your father? I have not seen him a long while."

Vladimir chuckled. "He is quite well, ma'am. I can tell him you say hello."

"Please, do so for me."

Mavra suddenly walked away to go talk to Tatiana and Dmitri. I scanned the room and saw Feodor, Nikita, Papa, and Lady Mary all speaking with each other in a group. I pulled Volodya up to them.

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