The Ball

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The ball had us all in an excitement. We learned that Cousin Irina and her husband would be coming. We then got the news that Aunt Xenia and all of her sons would be joining as well. From then on out for the next three-weeks, constant letters to-and-from different aristocrats all over Russia. The excitement was too much for all us that we could hardly even stand it! So far, 1919 was off to was wonderful start in my eyes.

I sat at the vanity in my room while Anna Vyrubova touched up my hair. Anastasia insisted that she did not want anything different with her and she would simply keep her up-do. I probably would have done the same, but Vladimir would be there and I wanted to look nice for him. Oh, what did this boy do to me?
"Maria, why are you doing your hair differently?"
"I thought I would change it up just a little bit."
"But why? Your hair was fine the way it was? Who are you trying to impress?"
I shrugged. "No one. Just trying to look nice."
Anna Vyrubova smiled at me. "I think you look wonderful, Maria Nikolaevna. You have grown into such a beautiful young woman."
I grinned at her. "Thank you, Anna. That means a lot."
Anastasia hopped up from her bed and walked over to me.
"I wonder who I'll dance with. Surely not cousin Felix."
"What's wrong with Felix?"
Anastasia stopped and glared at me. "'No, the question is: "What isn't wrong with cousin Felix?" He's such an uncultured swine."
Anna finally finished my hair just in time to scold Anastasia. She pointed her finger at my sister and started to wave it around her.
"Anastasia Nikolaevna, you will be kind to Felix Yusupov tonight. Do you understand?"
Anastasia rolled her eyes. "Yes Anna, I understand."

We got in a carriage for the ten-minute ride over to the Catherine Palace. We'd spend the night there, and then return to the Alexander Palace tomorrow afternoon. The Catherine Palace was a beauty with turquoise-walls and gold on the outside. The lights were very bright on the inside and the snow started to fall again just in time.
We took off our coats, scarfs, and hats before entering the ballroom. The young men staying with us arrived to the Catherine Palace about an hour earlier. Papa, Mama, my siblings, and I stood on the balcony of the ballroom. A trumpet started to play to get everyone's attention. The several people in the ballroom pointed their attention to us in awe.
Papa cleared this throat.
"I know many of you wonder why the Tsarina and I have decided to have a ball this evening. After the cruel war we had, we needed this. Many of our soldiers have lost their lives as young as sixteen-years-old. Several of you had sons that will never come home. And with that, let this ball be a distraction from the grief and sadness we all have had to endure. Let's have a minute of silence to remember our boys." Papa said. Some of the women in the ballroom started to weep, most of them were mothers. I bowed my head in silence. Tatiana did too, remembering Officer Malama. Igor held his head down low with the saddest look, surely for his best friend and dearest brother, Oleg.
Papa raised his head. "My condolences to each and everyone of you who has unfortunately lost a son. Enjoy tonight." Papa nodded. And with that, the orchestra picked back up again and started to play. We all exited off the balcony and back around to the staircase that would lead us into the ballroom. The footmen opened the doors for us and went walked in on to the stairs.

I made my way to the floor with Olga, Tatiana, Alexei, and Anastasia. I saw Rasputin dancing with his wife in the distance. Rebecca stood off to the side, holding a glass of champagne and staring at her feet.
"Excuse me, everyone. I must go speak to Rebecca." Anastasia said. She walked off and I saw cousin Irina approach us with Felix. Irina had a bright and smile and immediately wrapped her arms around Olga.
"Oh, dearest Olishka! It has been too long since we've spoken."
"I know! I'm so happy you're here. How is little Bebe doing?"
"She's well." Irina kept and smile and moved on to hug Tatiana. "I am happy to get a night away from the house though. Spanish Flu has us so worried, right Felix?" Irina smiled at her husband. He didn't smile but raise his eyebrows and made a "hmm" sound to agree with her. Olga gave a disgusted look at Felix and shook his hand.
Felix glared at her. "Olga Nikolaevna. You look rather sweet this evening."
"Thank you. I know." Olga replied. Tatiana looked over at Olga as if to scold her. But then she stopped and went back to speaking to Irina. But I was too distracted. I was staring at Vladimir across the room. He was speaking to Lady Valentina, the daughter of Count Igoropov. They owned a very small amount of land, but were very rich and popular nonetheless. Lady Valentina had just turned eighteen around one-week-ago. I had never truly spoken to her. But Vladimir and Valentina were laughing and then started to dance together.

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