Bedtime for Big Bat's Baby Bat-Birds (part 2)

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-I've been working on this for a while. Let me know if you want more of this-

-P.S check out the last part to find out what my next "Trash book" is 🙃✌️- 

"Alfred!" Jason protested. "Stop!" Alfred disregarded His protests and continued to disrobe the five year old from his costume, and lowered him into the tub. "I can do it m-bbpppssst!" 

Jason gargled, thrashing as a small cup of water was emptied over his head, and the cleansing process began.

Watching the other boy's plight, Duke decided not to protest. "Please don't get my hair wet." He pleaded, going ahead to try and bathe himself before he could receive the same treatment as Jason.

"Quit it, old man!" Jason fussed as his ever gritty hair was scrubbed with Dick's  favorite rose and vanilla scented shampoo. "Ow!" He shouted as his hair was scrunched. "Stop! I can wash by myself!" Jason barely closed his mouth in time as a cup was dumped over his hair to rinse it. His flare of unkept, scruffy hair flattening well over his eyes.

"Tewy, STAUWP." Dick ordered.

"Okay, just do your thing." Terry said, stepping back. "Anything I can do?"

"Shiwrt?" Disk asked.

"Uh, sure." Terry rifled through his drawers, he located a striped pyjama shirt and passed it to the toddler, who struggled to tug it over his head. Eventually, tangled and lost, Dick gave up. "You want some help?"

"Yes." He sighed.

Eyes still averted from his mostly exposed toddler-ified brother figure, Terry untangled the shirt and pulled it on the toddler. It reached the floor, which annoyed Dick. 

"I wann' be nowrmal agn soon." Dick murmured.

"Dick." Bruce said, passing by. He stooped and picked the boy up, he bounced the youngest a little. "You're in different clothes. Thank you, Terry."

"Brwuce!" Dick squirmed uncomfortably.

"Shhhh." Bruce said, cradling the toddler against his hip. He really wasn't as strong as he used to be (he had barely picked up any of his boys like this for three or four years). "Lets see if Damian has found any clothes for you." He said, carrying the boy with him.

"Hey, uh, Dick. Can I maybe borrow some clothes?" The eldest boy asked.

Dick nodded, hiding his face in Bruce's shirt. If only he could compose the words to tell Bruce to quit babying him. Why didn't Terry tell him they still had their grown up brains?

"Lets get you into some jammies, huh?" Bruce asked in a relative baby voice, and took the toddler upstairs, gripping his youngest securely out of fear he'd drop Dick. "Damian, have you found anything for your brothers?" 

"Here." He held up a tiny cuffed shirt he'd retrieved from an ancient looking box

"Thank you, Damian."

"Don't speak to me like a child!" Damian snapped. He took Dick from their father, and helped him into the shirt, and a pair of black overalls with silver buttons from the same box.

"Who's box is this?" Bruce asked, grunting a little as he turned the box around. After a cycle or so, he noticed a scribble at the bottom: BtW 1973-1980, clothes & toys

Bruce exhaled thickly andriffled through the box, grabbing some clothes for the other boys. 

"I c'n do it mysewlf!!" Dick exclaimed as Damian dressed him, rolling up the cuffs of his pants to account for his shortness.

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