Coming out to Wally

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-Requested by the wonderful WallyandDick !!!-

-Me when I started on Wattpad: this is embarrassing, I'll sneak on here occasionally for guilty pleasure reading. 

Me now: I drown my problems and identity crisis in writing shitty fanfic. I spend more time on here then I spend sleeping.-

"Hey! Robin!"

"Hey Wally." Dick swallowed hard. At least Robin wouldn't have to come out as trans too, the way the Robin mythos worked, people had to believe there had only ever been one robin. Now, this obviously didn't fool anyone, because Jason could dye his hair, but how did they explain Robin constantly changing ethnicities? Either way, Bruce had designed Dick' suit in the beginning to make him look like a young boy, so that was something.

"Sit." Wally settled at the edge of the building's roof, looking out over the city.

"I'm good, actually-"

"C'mon! It'll be romantic!"

Dick walked over uncomfortably. Wally had a huge crush on Robin, female Robin (Because all the heroes knew the newest Robin was a girl. How was Dick supposed to tell him that he wasn't a girl? 

Even then, Wally might think he had found a fellow girl-thirsty guy friend. Would he want a gay Trans guy as his friend? He'd stop wanting Robin to date him if Robin was a gay dude, instead of a straight girl...

"So, uh, what's up with you."

"Not much, not much." Wally lied. "What about you, babe?"

"No." Dick replied impulsively. He shrunk back a little, not knowing what to say.

"Well, I was thinking that we could go to this café down the road while Flash and Bats are working. It has cheesecake, and it's SO good..." The redhead told him, not noticing that Robin had gone quiet. "We could talk, maybe you could... tell my your name? Number? email?"

"I can't, remember? I'm not allowed to." Dick muttered. 

"C'MON? Not even your number? You can make an anonymous email?"

Dick shook his head. "We can get cheesecake though."

"Fine. Okay." Wally relented. "Not even your first name?"

"No." Dick replied.

The redhead groaned. "COME ON! you're such a tease."

Dick bit his lips. What do you say to that? "How's physics? Last time we talked, you got passed into the district science fair."

"Oh yeah! I got into semifinals!"

"DUDE! Congratulations!" Dick grinned, flicking his shoulder playfully.

"Yeah!" Wally beamed proudly. "How are the others?"

"Fine. Hood had a falling out with some friends though he's... it a bad mood."

"Aw, that sucks." Wally observed. "So, uh,  if we aren't needed, let's get some cheesecake."

Dick nodded a little, emptily. "Let's go."

"Gimme a lift down?" Wally asked. 

Dick nodded and attached his grappling hook to belay down the building. "Grab on." Wally wrapped his arms around him, hands uncomfortably close to his breasts and curves. Dick was uncomfortable. He kicked down the wall in silence, until Wally let do of him at the bottom.

"Whoo, you're a girl of many talents, rob."

"I'm not a girl." He said stiffly, befor he could stop himself.

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