Evaluation Day

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-When mom pulls into the driveway and you forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer:-


"I'm at the mountain."

There was a gasp over the phone. "B said there's an inspection at two pm!"

Dick checked the time: yep, one 'o' four pm. He looked around the mountain: a lazy winter's day with the heating cranked up, trash everywhere, everyone in the deepest depths of teenage disfunction.

"Shhhhhhhfuck." Dick emitted.

"What?" Tim asked. "How bad?"

Dick clutched the phone. "help."

"Who's that?" Wally called

"GUYS!" Dick lowered the phone. "Surprise league inspection!"

Kaldur shot upright. "When?"

"Two pm!"

Artemis checked the time. "OH FUCK! that's in, like, an hour!"

"Oh NO!" M'gann looked around the livingroom. "I was going to vacuum tomorrow! The place is filthy!"

"Let's hustle then!" Dick exclaimed. "My brothers are on their way."

Wally sniffed himself a little. "We should shower, right?"

"DUH! team inspection!" Artemis exclaimed, leaping up. "C'mon!" She ran from the room, tugging off her t-shirt, Wally on her heels.

"Robin shower too, once you're done, we'll take our turn." Kaldur ordered. "For now we'll tidy the mountain."

"Alright!" Dick ran after his friends. He jumped into the changeroom and stripped off, jumping in the shower next to Wally. They started washing.

"Robin!" Artemis' voice called through the door after a few minutes. "You got dry shampoo?"  

"Yeah, it's in the blue bag under the sink!"

"Thanks." She opened the door and crawled under the sink to find the can. The boys quickly finished washing and jumped out of the shower, grabbing their towels. Artemis looked up from her place on the bathroom floor, wrapped in a towel and combing dry shampoo through her long hair. 

"Let's get some clean clothes." Dick said, drying his hair and face.

Artemis pulled her hair into a loose bun, and the three towel-clad teens flitted down the hall. They kept clean pyjamas and clothes in one of the closets. They dressed in the hallway (No point in separating the sexes, Wally and Dick didn't like girls, and Artemis didn't like boys), and sprinted back to the rest of the gang.

Two of Robin's brothers were already present when they returned. "Tag out!" Wally exclaimed, grabbing the vaccum from M'gann.

"Thank you!" She flew off to clean herself, the other boys hurrying after her. 

"Hey Timmy." Dick wiped the steam off his glasses. "How long do we have?"

"About twenty-five minutes." Tim replied, grabbing trash off the coffee table. "Help Jay in the kitchen."

"What about me?" Artemis asked. 

"Make sure that nothing was left laying out in the main room, or in the halls." Tim instructed.

"Got it." Dick skipped to the kitchen.he grabbed dirty pots off the cold burners and chucked them in the sink, wiping off the stove. He rearranged the magnets on the fridge so that they no longer read 'FUCK MY LOOPS'. That would be hard to explain.

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