Chapter 15 "She is a warrior with a fighters mind."

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The four ninjas cautiously, yet curiously encircled her. Alex whipped out her remaining two knives and quickly pulled them up to defend herself. Ninja number one (as alex named him) started speaking. "Once upon a time... there was a happy little girl..." he paused for a moment looking at Alex strangely. "And then she grew up and turned into a monster." Alex gripped the knives tighter. The ninjas all started saying riddles at once- the words flew around Alex's head like a whirlwind. "An assassin's first murder is himself. He kills the man he was." The riddles kept coming. "Its hard to have a heart, when you've stopped so many others." "She is a warrior with a fighters mind, and he is a battle, she loses every time." Then it all stopped. Ninja number one walked up to Alex- so close she could see every detail in the little bit she could see of his face. "Alexandria Tove..." He trailed off. "The moment an assassin has a heart... is the moment she dies." Alex blinked and then he and the other ninjas were gone. Alex stood there for a moment- shocked at what they had said, the riddles still flew around her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about them. "The moment an assassin has a heart, is the moment she dies." She repeated it to herself. A scream from the street below snapped Alex out of her trance. "She is up there! That fugitive assassin the nice blonde man was talking about on TV!! Someone call the coppers!" The old lady Alex had stabbed earlier was just a tad grumpy. Alex was seriously considering throwing her other knife down there to finish this old hag off. Then she thought to herself, "I'm a bloody assassin! I'm already wanted, how does it effect me if I kill her putting an end to her horrible screeching?" Walking back over to the balcony Alex pulled a long black arrow from her quiver- it had three gold stripes near the knock and golden feathers. She knocked it onto the bowstring of her morphibow and pulled the string back to the bottom of her jaw. Climbing skilfully with her bow still pulled back she got onto the top of the railing. She aimed at the old hag forty two stories below and let the string go- just as the old lady looked up and screamed. The arrow flew perfectly spinning in a beautiful arc before lodging itself deep into the woman's temple. Blood poured out and Alex could see the bright red stain on the pavement from up above. Smirking Alex casually got back up and jumped off the railing back onto the balcony. Sitting cross- legged on the floor she pulled out the gold pen she kept in her quiver. Pulling out another black arrow she wrote on the shaft- "This is what you get if you do not leave me alone." She shot her little message at the body on the pavement, hitting the lady in the stomach. Climbing back onto the railing she jumped over to the ledge she was on before, barely managing to grab hold of the crumbling stone. She lowered herself back into the window of their hotel room and came face to face with a very, very angry James.

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