Chapter 38 "Woah loverboy! Back to the present!"

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James rolled over pulling his pillow over his head. "Shuuuuut up!" He yelled through gritted teeth. The boy he shared a cell with was keeping him up with his sleep talk. James got up slowly and sat on the edge of the bunk, which was screwed to the cold concrete wall. There was no way he was going to be able to sleep with Finn yapping on like he was now. James had been in the AHKTEM high security prison for over two weeks now. They had already started the experimentation on him. It had hurt at first when they started injecting the stuff into him, but after four shots a day, everyday he had quickly got used to the quick jab and then the cold liquid flowing in through his veins. But of course the side effects were worse. Retching James quickly got up and rushed to the small toilet both the boys shared, leaning over it James puked up his gruel- again. Someone started rubbing his back. "It's ok James the vomiting stops after a week and a half." Finn quietly comforted him. "Yeah and then what happens?" James said quickly before he puked again. Finn bit his lip. "Umm then comes the fever." James groaned. "It's ok my friends will come and get me out." Finn breathed a laugh. "Your still counting on them for your escape?" James looked up slowly. "Yes they're coming for me!" Finn backed up putting his hands up in surrender. "Ok! Ok! I'm sorry if I offended your hacker friend and assassin girlfriend!" James laughed. "She's not my girlfriend." Finn smirked. "You wish she was." James didn't answer. Finn continued. "So tell me about her, is she cute?" James wiped is mouth with the back of his hand and the washed them in the minuscule sink. "She's not cute, she beautiful. But not the normal beautiful... Shes like a dangerous beautiful. You can sense it." James eyes glazed over as he thought of her. "Woah lover boy! Back to the present!" Finn snapped his fingers in front of his face. "Explain her to me, I haven't seen the female species in donkeys years." James hesitated. "Well if I describe her to your, remember she's mine." Finn laughed out loud. "I promise I won't take her." James nodded in agreement. "Good... Cause if you did..." Finn raised an eyebrow. "Hurry up, I'm not gonna steal your girl." James quickly nodded again. "Well she has eyes like steel, so grey and sometimes with flecks of gold when the sun passes. Her hair is brown with golden streaks at the top and it cascades like a waterfall down her back, it's soft and smells amazing."James sighed. Finn raised his eye brows and sat up. "Continue." "Well her legs are long, toned and slender, I just wanna run my hands on them. She has abs and really well muscled arms. And her lips... Well I've never touched them I wouldn't know... But her hands are really soft, which is really weird for a trained killer... You would think they would be all rough and stuff, but they're not." James drifted off into a world of his own. "Wow man, your extremely patient. By now if I had a woman like that I would've humped and then dumped." James looked at him funny. "I'm not like that, I don't wanna use women. Makes me feel like a wounded animal. You know? The way people look at you when they know you've slept with the entire female population. Well the girls that is, all the guys just slap you on the back and congratulate you." Finn laughed. "You've slept with the entire female population?" James chuckled. "Just a metaphor mate." "Girls are weird." Finn said. "Your telling me! I tried to hug Alex and she froze up and I'm pretty sure she wanted to stab me. But a few weeks before that she was straddling me on my bed! But then again she was trying to kill me..." "Well that changes things a little bit doesn't it..." Finn breathed as he collapsed onto his bunk. James tucked his hands under his head. "Yeah. I have no idea about her sometimes..."

"Try and get some sleep Linkin big day tomorrow." Finn whispered. James didn't answer just nodded to himself in the dark. He didn't tell Finn but he was terrified for tomorrow. Terrified of what they would do to him, how they could change him, how they could erase his memories or even change them all at the press of a button. He breathed deeply. "James?" "Yeah?" He replied. "It's ok to be scared you know, we all are." Finn finished. Pulling the thin blanket over his body James tried to get some sleep, dreading tomorrow. "Finn?" James heard him roll over. "Yeah?" "Thankyou." James said. "What for?" Finn enquired. "For being a friend to me, I don't have many of those you know." James knew Finn was smiling. "That's ok bro, now sleep." "Promise you won't murder me while I sleep?" James asked smiling. "Well I can't promise that..." Finn drifted off to sleep and James followed not soon after.

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