Chapter 45 "I'm the bloody kraken!"

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Alex woke up snuggled against a rock hard yet warm chest. She stretched her arm across it. Feeling the taut and defined muscles of James Linkin. Inhaling his intoxicating scent she sighed and buried her face back into his side, James' arm tightened around her bringing Alex closer to him. But the happiness didn't last, all of a sudden Alex's world was shattered into a million pieces all because of Kai Malum. He had stolen James from her and Alex knew exactly what he had done to him. Alex screamed for Hudson and Connor as she shook James' body trying to stop the violent convulsions that had possessed his body. But the seizure didn't stop and James continued twitching, shaking and losing absolute control. "Connor! Hudson! Help! Help me!" Alex's screams shook the house and pierced the night air. Hudson and Connor where immediately by her side... And then they saw James. Hudson swore under his breath. "I don't know if he'll survive this..." Tears poured out of Alex as she clung onto the shoulders of James. James's eyes had rolled back into his head and his fists were clenched. Then the convulsions changed- it seemed almost like James was trying to fight them, like he wouldn't give in. Then it got worse. James screamed- louder then Alex's and filled to the brim with pain. Alex lunged for the tubes connecting James to the monitors but Connor caught her with ease and wrenched her arms behind her back- holding her. "Alex no! Can't you see he's fighting it?! He'll get through this! I've seen this before, he's strong enough to survive!" Connor yelled in her ear. Alex whimpered and slumped in defeat in Connors arms. Alex didn't know if it was hours or minutes later when James's screamed ceased and not long later the seizure stopped. The only problem was- so did his heart. As soon as the monitor declared his heart as not beating Connor threw Alex to Hudson and starting compressions. 27...28...29...30 breath, listen, breath again, listen again. The cycle went for over an hour. For ninety three minutes Alex sat her knees up to her chin crying and rocking back and fourth in the corner. Hudson sat next to her trying to comfort the wreck of an assassin. Connor was red in the face and panting heavily. His muscles bulged and Hudson was pretty sure every single one of James's ribs were broken. On the ninety third minute James started breathing again- his eyes flew open as he gasped for breath. Connor fell to the floor in exhaustion. Alex was hugging James as soon as Connor was down. "Man... Did you give me the kiss of life...?" James rasped out to Connor. Connor nodded. "I reckon at least one hundred times mate." James stuck his tongue out in disgust. He turned his face towards Alex and licked her cheek. Alex was a tad taken back. "What th- did you just lick me?!" With his tongue still poking out James nodded. Alex blinked stupidly a few times. "Ummm may I ask why?" "He kissed me!" James said. "Nice to meet you by the way. You're Connor I believe?" Connor nodded. "Nice to meet you too mate." "You know I've never known an assassin to give back a life instead of taking one- especially not someone he's never met before..." James said cautiously. "You looked like you needed a hand and besides I'm sick of beating him at Xbox I need some competition!" Connor said smugly. James nodded in understanding. "I know what you mean, he's not very good a UNO either..." Hudson buried his face in his hands. "Right here you know guys..." They all laughed. All except Alex. She buried her head in James's shoulder. "You were dead for an hour and a half." She whispered. James pulled Alex down on top of him. Popping his head up he said. "You two may leave now!" Hudson and Connor got up and left the room, closing the door behind them. "But at least I'm alive now right?" He whispered back. Alex rested her head on James's forehead. "You were dead James. An hour and a half was enough please don't ever do that again." James let out a laugh. "I'll try not to baby." Alex opened her eyes. "Did you just call me baby??" James grinned. "Not at all..." Alex smiled a little fire burning in the pit of her stomach. It was quickly extinguished when she remembered what had happened before James had died. "James...?" She asked. "Yeah?" He replied as he tilted Alex head up with his finger underneath her chin. "What happened to you before you died..." She stopped talking as she felt James's lips make contact with the bottom of her neck. "Mmmm?" James murmured. "What did Kai do to you in there?" Alex gasped as she said it. James stopped peppering kisses up her neck when she said that. This is what he had been dreading. Bringing his head back up to Alex's height he stared her in her big beautiful grey eyes. "I'm not the same Alex... I...I'm an experiment... I'm a monster." Alex stared him back in the eyes. "Well if your a monster then that means I'm the bloody Kraken!" James breathed out a laugh. "I'm being serious Alex, Kai has turned me into a weapon. I...I ... Let's just hope it never happens. Let's just hope I never have to explain to you." Alex nodded in understanding. "You tell us all you can in the morning, right now we need to continue our little cuddling session!" James laughed loudly and quickly flipped Alex over so she was on her back and James was half on top of her. He groaned angrily as the tubes restricted him from moving and in frustration ripped them from his body. Alex's eyes widened. "James! You need them!" James shook his head. "Not anymore girly, I have more important things to do right now..." Alex gulped as he descended on her, breathing in her scent as he buried his face in her neck and wrapped his arms around her slim but muscular build. James slung one of his legs over Alex's and whispered in her ear. "Your not going to be able to get out of this one darling." Alex smiled. Bloody hell she loved cuddles.

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