Chapter 40 "The pigeons are coming!"

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It was late February in England and the winter was still very much in swing. Alex shivered as the cold bit at her nose and fingers. Pulling her hood further over her face Alex lept unto the windowsill of her and Hudson's hotel room. Securing her quiver and bow over her shoulders she turned and began climbing. Swinging precariously over the streets of downtown London Alex used all of her upper body muscle to lift herself up into the roof of the hotel. She was seriously glad Hudson had asked for the penthouse. Breathing in the cool midnight air she calmed herself and tried to be at peace. Alex hadn't told Hudson but she was extremely nervous about the next mornings mission. The one that meant breaking out all the prisoners being held captive in AHKTEM's headquarters- including James. Alex's eyes scanned the horizon, it was pitch black but the city gave off so much of a glow the sky looked like shimmering gold. Her eyes landed on a nearby Metro sign, it's lamp glowed brightly- illuminating the pigeon perched on it. Alex smirked. "What the hell was a pigeon doing out at this time of the night?" She muttered to herself. Sticking her three right hand fingers in her mouth she sucked gently, trying to warm them up as much as possible. After drying her hand on her jeans, Alex pulled one of her black and gold feathered arrows and knocked it onto the string of her beloved morphibow. She drew the longbow back. "Oh what the hell! I have no fun in my life at all!" She yelled letting the string down gently. Looking down at her bow she willed it to become the heaviest compound bow she could imagine. The morphibow obliged and morphed slowly into shiny black compound. Alex grunted with the weight and knocked another arrow. Her hands shaking uncontrollably she tried to pull the string back to her jaw. Heaving and grunting she only managed to her lips. Swinging the bow around with more grunts and a lot more effort Alex tried to aim with as much accuracy as she would with the longbow. She couldn't hold the string anymore and she let go. The string whizzed past and immediately Alex felt as if her check had been ripped open. A muffled scream erupted from her mouth and then the string ripped past her forearm. Alex fell to the floor in agony, convulsing already. The arrow flew past the pigeon missing it by a mile and at such a great speed. It lodged itself neatly into an innocent passerby's eyeball. Alex recovered enough to look over the lip of the hotel roof and see the pigeon, very much intact, fly off. She also saw the dead passerby. A priest would definitely not be proud of the words that flew out of Alex's mouth then. "And this is why I use a longbow!" She screamed at herself throwing her bow harshly to the ground. It immediately morphed back to her favourite matte black longbow. Sirens blared and blue and red lights danced off Alex's vision. "Hudson." She muttered. Grabbing her bow Alex bolted for the side of the building and lept off. She grazed her already bleeding arms as she grappled for a handhold. Finally finding one she lifted herself up, slowly but surely making her way towards the windowsill. "Hudson!" Alex wheezed lifting herself up finally so she had her arms in the window. "Hudson!" She yelled again. No reply. "Hudson!!" She screamed through the window. A few moments later Hudson appeared at the window- looking more asleep then awake. "Help me up you dumbag!" Alex grunted. Sluggishly Hudson grabbed her wist in a monkey grip and pulled her through. "What the hell happened to your..." Hudson began. "Pigeons." Alex interrupted. "Wha-" "We have to get out of here now! They're coming for us!" She yelled in his face. "Who? The pigeons?" Hudson asked. "No!! The police you idiot!" Alex yelled as she grabbed her messenger bag and quickly shoved her few belongings Into it. "Go! Pack now! As quickly as you can!" Hudson quickly turned around and half ran, half fell out of the room. Alex grabbed her prized knives and shurikens from the bedside table and shoved them deep into her bag. Quickly looking around the room she double checked that she had grabbed everything and then left. Finding Hudson shoving his MacBook into his backpack she heard voices outside their door. "Yes sir It's definitely them two fugitives you speak of in their! I heard that one of em' got captured sir is that true? I 'ear that you guys gon' kill em'. I'de ave' to agree with ya though sir! Danger to society they are!" A man said in a thick cockney accent. Alex rolled her eyes. The man started whispering again. "I ear' though Mr that the girl is as pretty as a mermaid an' just as deadly!" Alex suppressed a laugh. "Thank you Mr Demmy your presence is no longer needed." An unfamiliar voice told the cockney man. A set of footsteps told Alex that Mr Demmy had left, leaving only a door between her and the mysterious man. "Hudson!" She whispered. He turned around and mouthed. "What?" Alex pointed towards the window, mouthing. "Climb down the wall." He nodded and slinging his bag on his back he made his way to the window. Alex quickly followed behind him. With half a leg out of the window Alex swore. "I've forgotten my guns!" The man was jiggling the door up and down, trying to pick the lock. Hudson hadn't noticed that Alex hadn't followed him. The man was seconds away from bursting into the room. Alex swore again and lept through the window, quickly shutting it behind her. She sprinted towards the wardrobe and locked herself in it- with all her guns. Alex heard the door to the hotel room swing open and she stopped breathing. Slow and steady footsteps entered into the room, Alex silently but swiftly grabbed her AR-15 and held it at the ready pointing at the closed wardrobe door. The footsteps got closer. Alex's finger hovered over the trigger. Just outside her door the footsteps stopped. Alex's hands shook and she told herself- "Fear is not in your repertoire Alexandria." She believed it for a second. Before the door swung open with so much force it came off its hinges. A dark and deadly voice boomed from a tall, burly man "Hello girly." Alex gulped.

A world full of darknessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon