Chapter 10 "You uneducated swine."

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After Leo was dead and completely obliterated by Hudson's new found weapon the "auto-cannon". Alex could finally relax and touch all the weapons she wanted. She stood alone in the archery section, Hudson was at the technological weapons and James at the bombs and grenades. So she could take as long as she wanted. Opening a drawer Alex found a heap of sturdy black quivers, she pulled one out and swung it over her shoulder tightly. She went back to the arrows Leo had showed her and took all of them- silver, gold, black, thin, thick, hunter, bullet ends- everything. She stored them in the quiver and moved onto the bows. Her fingers twitched in anticipation. Along the wall were twelve evenly spaced lockers each with a strong, sturdy lock on it. Alex quickly picked the lock of the first locker and the door swung open. Inside hung a bright purple recurve bow, Alex slammed the locker door. "No, just no." she muttered. She opened ten more doors with no success- all the bows were just not right. When she finally cracked the last lock she looked inside and there was a small black bench with a silver briefcase sitting on it. She opened the case- inside nestled on a bed of grey foam lay one cylinder and a small palm size flat circle. Both as black as night. Alex reached in and grabbed them. The cylinder felt strangely good in her hand, she gript it firmer. To her surprise the cylinder suddenly morphed into a gooey black liquid substance and Alex screamed and dropped it. A boring voice boomed out of the cylinder. "Alexandria Tove, eighteen. You have claimed the morphibow. It is now in sync with your fingerprints and voice only. Nobody else can even try and use it without getting a sharp electrical shock that knocks them unconscious. The flat circle you have also obtained is a pair of rare "knuckle duster gloves" also in sync with your fingerprints. Treat us with care Alexandria." Alex stood there in shock, the "morphibow" was no longer a pile of goo but a metallic black compound bow. Alex picked it up, she immediately wished it was a longbow- like she was used to. As soon as the thought popped into her brain the bow began to change, it morphed slowly into a longbow- still a metallic black. Alex's eyes widened- she was in love. She started jumping up and down screaming. James came skidding around the corner. "Alex! Alex! What's wrong? What's happening? Are you alright?" He saw her jumping in excitement with the bow in her hand and he laughed. He was so happy to see her like this. Alex stopped jumping, her face as red as a tomato "Umm sorry I'm a little excited." She scratched the back of her neck nervously. James laughed again "You look adorable when your excited its okay." "Riiiiiight." She replied sarcastically. "Well anyway I have a whole warehouse of weapons to look through and I'm only up to A, James." She winked as she ran past him. James rolled his eyes. "This is gonna be a long day."

Two hours later they were only up to aisle S. So far Alex had practically grabbed every single weapon she could get her hands on. James on the other hand only had three handguns, a lot of grenades and night vision goggles. The pair still hadn't seen Hudson since the "Leo incident" but they weren't worried about him. Well Alex wasn't anyway; she was still too excited to let anything ruin her day. James absent mindly started looking through some weapons, when he came across a small tube. He picked it up; it was a strange colour- black with gold flecks in it. James frowned, he felt like he had to "do" something with it. James flicked his wrist and the tube quickly extended into a long black and gold sword. James mouth fell open, he moved the sword side to side observing it. It was super light and it shimmered gold in the light. On the hilt of the sword was very small letters. James read them aloud. "the twin, umm Alex come here for a moment will ya?" Alex walked over to James and the mysterious sword. "What do you think this means?" He showed her the message. 'Well since the sword has the golden flecks in it I would guess it has something to do with the sun, and the black probably represents night. Therefor the only explanation for 'the twin' is the greek brother and sister Apollo and Artemis. Who ironically are the god and goddess of the sun and moon." "Oww my brain hurts, too much information. I think the sword is called Apollo so I'll leave it at that." Alex laughed. "You uneducated swine." She gently slapped his shoulder. James grinned. "So you have a cool sword now?" Alex asked. "Yeah I do." "Awesome then you can help me with these then." Alex winked at him as she opened a drawer labelled "straps"
"What are they?" He asked. "Weapon holder thingies that conceal your weapons." She replied as she strapped one to her thigh. "I'll think I'll have the leg, waist, lower ribs ,shoulder, forearm and thigh. You should get a waist, shoulder and calf James." She told him as she threw some in his direction. James didn't argue. "Yes mam!"

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