Chapter 9 "The crazy Spanish freak."

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Leo pulled out a small knife and cut the underside of Alex's wrist so fast James barely had time to comprehend it. Alex screamed and grabbed her wrist. Leo then advanced toward Hudson "Woah crazy Spanish freak stand back! Or I'll... I'll... ummm or I'll shoot!" He quickly grabbed the nearest thing to him- an auto-cannon. Leo kept advancing, probably thinking Hudson had no idea what so ever on how to use the weapon. Which of course... he didn't. James rushed to Alex side avoiding Hudson and Leo. wrapping his arms around Alex's body he shielded her with himself just as Hudson pulled the trigger. The wall blew apart, the noise was deafening. James looked up- he was still alive. There standing in the smoke and rubble was Hudson with an auto-cannon resting on his hip and a smug look on his face. Leo was nowhere to be seen- completely obliterated by the cannon. James got up, helping Alex. "Are you ok?" He asked her. "Yeah I'm fine just a little scratch that's all." She ripped the bottom of her shirt and wrapped the cloth around her wrist tying it off. She broke out of James grip and ran over to Hudson almost knocking him flat to the floor as she jumped on him in a hug. "You're insane Hudson! Awesome, but insane!" Hudson smirked. " Awww just doin' ma duty mam." He winked. Alex rolled her eyes and playfully slapped him. "Well then gentleman! Now that that's taken care of how bout' we help ourselves to some of these weapons ay?" James grinned. "That's my girl."

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