Chapter 28 "What do you want with me you blonde ape?"

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James woke up, a bright light above him boring into his skull. His head throbbed so painfully he thought that there were little moles in his brain whacking the inside of his forehead with giant sledgehammers. Gripping his head with both hands he groaned. "Wait... Where was he?" Mustering all his strength James slowly sat up and found himself in a small, bright, white room with nothing but a small bench on which he was lying and a door with no handle. He tried to get off the bench but was jerked back by his wrist. A silver handcuff latched him to the bed. He sighed and lay back down staring at the ceiling. "James Linkin my favorite Mi6 agent." Kai Malum walked in and James lashed out at him with his free wrist. Kai ingnored him. Grinding his teeth James stopped himself from lashing out again. "Hows the hangover?' He asked seriously. James didn't answer him. "Don't you trust me James?" "No." He answered weakly. "Smart man." Kai replied. "What do you want with me you blonde ape?" James spat. Kai looked honestly offended. I only came in here to inform you on a few things..." James gritted his teeth. Kai left the room and came back dragging a metal chair, he pulled it up about a metre in front of where James was sitting. "Now let's get to business Linkin. I'm going to explain to you why you're here and the life of your beloved Alexandria and why we want her. Which one do you want me to explain first?" Kai asked sweetly. "What are you going to do to me?" James whispered. Grinning Kai replied "Here at AHKTEM we have been developing new weapons lately and well we kind of need some test subjects for our latest weapon..." A flitter of fear started to eat away at James stomach. "What is this weapon?" He asked. Smiling Kai replied "A mind-control spike." James gulped. "But don't worry about that! Your experiment won't start for another week and a half because your body is not ready yet." Kai explained. "What are you going to tell me about Alex? Because you will never turn me against her-ever." James sneered at the blonde assassin. Kai had a smug look on his face. "Let's start from the beginning shall we?"

"It all started thirteen years ago, I was at the peak of my career! The best assassin in the northern hemisphere and I was just fifteen years old. I received an assignment- to kill a couple. An Australian assassin and her husband an American solider. They had two children whom I was to leave alone and they would be taken away by my older sister- Zelda. I arrived at their little Australian house in the outback at about two thirty in the morning. Someone was awake in the house and I spotted the mother teaching the little girl how to shoot a bow and arrow in their living room. It was quite comical really. I scanned the house and found my two assignments but only one child. I broke in and knocked the father over the head with a vase I then dragged him down to the living room with me and put a bullet in his skull, in front of his wife and daughter. The mother quickly shoved her little five year old girl under the couch. She pulled out the bow she and the girl had been using for practise and aimed it at me. But I whipped out my gun just as she shot. I shot her and she shot me. She died but I didn't." Kai pulled off his shirt revealing a large scar over the bottom of his shoulder. "The arrow went straight through me. The mother fell to the ground a puddle of blood growing larger around her. The bullet got her in the chest and as she lay there dying she grabbed the girls hand and said these words- 'Kai Malum my dear, Kai Malum. Look after yourself. Mummy loves you.' That's what she said. She told her five year old her murderers name. What kind of mum does that?" Kai shook his head and continued. "My sister Zelda arrived about five minutes after and wrenched the little girl from under the couch. The girl was crying and screaming. Zelda took no notice of her and shoved her in a sack. We then lit the house on fire. I asked Zelda what she was going to do with the kid and she said 'I'm gonna train her to become one of the famous Zelda assassins and then hand her over to AHKTEM.' The girl grew up under my sisters guidance. She became the best assassin in the business, her weapon of choice- a bow. After thirteen years under my sisters rule the girl murdered my sister to try and get her own freedom. She killed my sister. I expected her to come after me after that. But she never did. That's why I want her. I want her to pay for all the things she's done. I want Alexandria Tove dead at my feet." Kai finished and James sat there gobsmacked. "Wait you want to kill her because she killed your sister right?" James asked. "Yes." Kai sneered. "But you killed her mother and father." James snapped back. Kai gritted his teeth. "It's not the same I was forced to do that she did it out of choice." James shook his head. "No. She wanted her freedom and was willing to pay any price for it." Kai stood up and backhanded James hard across the face in anger. "No! You will listen to me! Once you have the mind control spike in your neck you will help me kill her!" James breathed heavily. "I would rather die." Kai smirked "Unfortunately James Linkin... You don't have much choice."

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