Chapter 39 "He looked like a constipated bear."

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Alex bit her bottom lip until it bled. She sat alone on the underground with her earphones blasting in her ears, to avoid unwanted attention. Her finger briefly brushed over a Shuriken hidden in the lining of her jumper. She looked nervously around but there was only six over people with her in the subway. The train grinded to a halt at the next station- Kings Cross. Alex grabbed her small messenger bag and slinging it over her shoulder she quickly sped out the train. The frosty air but harshly into Alex's skin and puffs of white cloud burst forth from her mouth. Alex heard fast footsteps from behind her and she cautiously sped up. The footfalls got faster. Without looking Alex took off at a run hoping to lose her stalker in the darkness of the London streets- Her domain. But the footsteps sped up also and kept a frequent pace. Alex made a sharp right turn and quickly did parkour up the vertical stone wall. She landed with a soft thump on the roof of the small apartment building. Looking carefully over the edge Alex spotted a masked man with a black hoodie quietly stalking around the bottom of the building. She sucked in a breath and dared not breath in case he heard her. She watched quietly as he pulled out a small Glock .40 and held it up to his cheek. Alex stifled a laugh, he looked like a constipated bear. The stalker's head bolted upright- she must have made a small noise. He grinned wickedly as he spotted her, probably thinking he was the predetor and she was the prey. "Oh how he is wrong." Alex thought. She grinned and eagerly waved at him from her spot on top of the roof. The man looked a little confused at this. "Have you come to kill me sweetie?" Alex cooed down at him. "Because I think we both know who is going to win this one Handsome." The man shot at her but he was rushing and the shot went wide, Alex stood calmly- not moving a muscle. The man shot at her again and the shot went wide also. Getting fed up Alex ripped her shuriken from her jacket and threw it down with as much force as she could at the stalker. A soft 'Thwack' echoed trough the London street as the star entered the mans skull. Alex jumped down from the roof landing professionally in a tiger-stance. She pulled the Shuriken from the body and cleaned the blood off with a shredded piece of his clothes. Alex quickly searched through her stalkers pockets. He was working for Kai, he was just starting out as a rookie Killer and his name was Kimberly Tyme. Alex sighed and leaned against the wall. Kai had sent this man 'Kimberly' knowing he would not be able to kill her. He sent him knowing he would die. Why? Was the question. Why would Kai send a new recruit to kill a professional assassin, when he was in need of men? Alex pressed her palms against her eyes as a sudden headache formed from the thinking. She would talk to Hudson about when she got back from her mission. If you could call it a mission that is.

Walking down a busy London street was the last place Alex wanted to be at the moment. It was freezing and she just wanted to go to bed and sleep. For a few days at least. She spotted her destination up ahead- a computer appliances shop. Pulling a Glock .22 from her boot, not her preferred gun but she needed a small one today. Alex aimed the gun at the shop security camera through the window and shot. Shattering both the glass and the camera Alex jumped harmlessly through the window. She spotted what she needed straight away. Sprinting over towards the mainframes she quickly ripped the cords out of their sockets, grabbed the motherboard, screen and everything that went along with it and ran out of the store with them bundled in her arms. Alex breathed heavily as she bolted down street after street with this bloody computer in her arms. Sirens could be heard in the distance but she ignored them and continued running towards their new temporary home. Arriving at a small lodge just outside of London, Alex kicked down the door and marched inside. Walking over towards the table she dumped her entire load on top of it. "Hudson you blithering idiot! You did not tell me how heavy that stupid computer was going to be!" "Soz." He simply replied. Alex grunted angrily and threw herself onto the dying couch. Reaching for the remote she turned on the TV and flicked through the channels. Already all over the news was the story of a 'Vicious break-in, involving guns and savages'. Alex laughed. "Apparently I'm a savage Hudson!" "You are." He called back. Alex lobbed a cushion at his head. "Oh shut up Hacker Boy, your opinion is invalid." Hudson sniggered. Alex sighed and laid her head down on a cushion. "What are you gonna do with all that stuff anyway Huddie?" "Nothing really, I just wanted to see if you were able to complete a successful robbery. Which you were surprisingly." Hudson sipped at his latte. Alex sat up a look of pure hatred on her face. "You what?!" Grabbing his coffee Hudson got up and sprinted towards the bathroom. "Urgent toilet break! Gotta go!" Alex sped after him. "Hudson Massuline! Get your arse back here!" Hudson ran around the couch towards the toilet door. "Hudson!" Alex shrieked as she jumped over the couch. Hudson made it to the toilet and with a significant 'click' locked Alex out so she couldn't hurt him. Alex threw herself against the door a few times before giving up. She slid down her back to the door and bought her knees up to her chest. She could hear Hudson humming contently on the other side- safe. For now.

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