Chapter 6 "They see me rolling, they shootin'!

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'Get down!" She screamed. Alex grabbed her small pack with her belongings in it and flung it onto her back. She army crawled over to where Hudson and James lay huddled behind the couch. "We need to get over to that window over there!" She thrust her hand out pointing to the window. Hudson nodded. James lay still. Alex frowned "What's wrong with him?" Hudson cringed as a bullet flew over his head. " Something fell on his head he's only been knocked out." Alex rolled her eyes "Great just what I needed right now!" She picked up James and draped him over her shoulder. "Come on Hudson lets get outta here.' Hudson went first sprinting to the window and flinging himself out of it. Then Alex went, she limped as fast as she could to the window and threw James out of it, then jumped out after him. She landed on her feet- paining shooting up from the bullet wound and then picking James up again she ran after Hudson as best as she could with her shot leg. She took a quick look behind her at the warehouse, it was on fire and she could see men coming around the corners with guns. They must have seen her. When the first shots where fired Alex dropped as quickly as she could to the ground. Dust and smoke choked her and the weight of James wasn't letting her go very far. She looked up, Hudson was gone. He'd left them to die, she should have killed him when she had the chance- she never trusted hackers. She tried to crawl but with James it was almost impossible. She had two options now- either leave James and go save herself or stay with him and die. She looked at him; his face was covered in dirt- she couldn't leave him to die like this. She looked behind her, the men where quickly advancing. Gritting her teeth she pushed James she managed to roll him a good five metres. One more good push and he would go tumbling off the side of the hill- it could kill him but it was her only choice. She pushed him and she threw herself off the edge as well. Pain ripped through her leg and her entire body as she rolled over and over down the hill. Eventually she came to a halt smashing into James body at the bottom. Two headlights beamed down on them and Hudson emerged from an old ute. He dragged James into the back and then helped Alex into the cab. Putting his foot to the floor they skidded and swerved out unto the highway. Alex sighed with relief and out of pure exhaustion and pain she fell asleep.

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