Chapter 55 "Scars."

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Thank you to all those people that commented their favourite characters! (Which is a total of one person...) but this one person you're pretty awesome mate! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!


James groaned in pain as Jacob hit him over the head with a baton- once again. "James! Pay attention man!" Jacob yelled in his face. James tried- he honestly did, but his gaze quickly drifted away from Jacob and focused on Alex. He watched memorised as she kicked and punched at the punching bag, it looked as though she was dancing an intricate dance and she was beautiful at it. He hair flowed around her face, like in slow motion, the toned muscles of her thighs flexed as she kicked and kicked again. Her biceps bulged and James saw the fire in her eyes rip through her grey irides. He felt himself sigh as he continued to watch- she was like the flower Veratrum- so beautiful, yet so dangerous. He felt himself falling in love with her all over again. "Are you done staring? Can we fight now?" James snapped out of his trance and focused on the words Jacob was saying to him. Jacob pinched the bridge of his nose. "I mean I know you love her and whatever but dude... Come on! Fight me!" James didn't need to be told twice, barreling towards the slightly stunned yet still smirking Jacob he brought the baton down- hard. Unfortunately Jacob was smarter than that and quickly deflected the blow. "You gotta do better than that Linkin." Jacob smirked again and James struck.


Kai Malum sat at his big, ebony desk, his long fingers tapping at the wood and a short knife twirling around the fingers of his other hand. Loud dubstep blasted through the massive speakers set around the room and the laptop in front of Kai beeped occasionally. The loading bar on the screen moved painstakingly slow and Kai was getting very impatient. His sea- green eyes blazed with bottled up anger and not a second later the knife he had been holding was lodged into a dummy's throat on the other side of the room. The laptop made another loud beeping sound, Kai turned around angrily. The loading had finished. Pulling his chair in closer Kai clicked on the file and laid his forearms on the desk eager to watch the video. The sound crackled but eventually began working, Alexandria Tove's voice rang out loud and clear. "Connor I don't know if I am strong enough to do this... To kill her." The video from the security camera feed began working and Alex and Connor appeared on screen. In the dim light you could see they sat on a bed, the black sheets and grey doona messy and tangled around their legs. Connor reached in and wrapped his arms around Alex, planting a kiss on the top of her head he whispered. "You are the strongest person I know Alex, and if you feel like this is the right thing to do- to set us all free, to give us all lives, then you do it. I know you can do it and I'm going to do all I can to help you." Alex gave a nod as she buried her face into Connor's chest. Gripping his shirt she began to shake- then to sob. Connor didn't say anything, he just continued to hold her and stroke her hair. The camera went black and then turned back on. Alex sat on a different bed this time, this one had yellow sheets and a grey doona, odd posters were dotted along the walls. Weapons and dirty clothes were strewn across the floor, there was a collection of mugs on the bedside table. Alex sat in the bed her head in her hands, Connor crouched in front of her- his hands on her thighs. Alex was dressed in a black leather get up, Connor was inserting various knives into the pockets in her pants. Walking over to the wardrobe he pulled out a black quiver and clipped it onto Alex's back, crouching again in front of her he grabbed her hands and slipped her knuckle- duster gloves on. Through the camera Kai could see a tear slip down Alex's cheek- his fists clenched. Connor quickly wiped the tear away and kisses her forehead. "You'll be fine Alex." Alex gave a small nod and whispered quietly. "Connor I'm scared." Connor grabbed her head in between his hands and brought her forehead against his own. "It's okay to be scared Alex. Being scared means you're about to do something really brave." Alex smiled. Connor quickly glanced at his watch. "Alright it's time, are you ready?" Alex got up and adjusted her sleeveless body armour, she gave Connor a small nod. Her lips pressed together tightly, her eyes wide, her hands shaking. Connor pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'll see you in an hour Lexie. I- I love you." Connor stuttered and then quickly left the room. Alex didn't say it back as she watched the retreating back of Connor Caisses. She picked up her bow and taking a deep breath left the room- locking it behind her. The camera switched to a hallway security camera, Alex was dancing the dance of death, her blade swiping in beautiful arcs, stabbing, swiping and bloodshed. The camera swapped again this time to a completely different room, one which Alex hadn't reached yet. Zelda Malum sat at her desk, her feet perched on the top and casually leaning back into her expensive chair. Rings adorned her fingers, blood red stilettos and a small black pencil skirt didn't stop her from having her feet up. A shirtless assassin sat on the couch in front of her, his toned chest bulging and the gun tucked into his waist band glinting in the light. His arms were tucked underneath his head and his jeans were tight, Zelda shamelessly checked him out over and over again as she spoke into her iPhone. Hanging up she got out of the chair and stalked over to the assassin, who was obviously meant to be her body guard. Just as Zelda got on top of him, her skirt riding up, Alex barged through the door in all her blaze and glory. Zelda looked beyond shocked, her body guard- angry. "Alexandria! What are you doing in here!? Get out now! That's an order!" Zelda yelled, her red lipstick smudged. Alex smirked. "I'm sick of being controlled by you Zelda, I'm sick of being your little puppy dog. This ends now." Alex said clearly. Pulling out a knife Alex twirled it around her fingers, the other assassin decided enough was enough. Pushing Zelda off him, Zelda fell to the floor and the buff assassin turned on Alex. "Alright little girl it's time you found your place!" Alex grinned maliciously. He got closer and Alex allowed him to play. Alex feigned right and the struck him on his right temple with a sickening punch. He staggered but didn't give up, barreling forward he grabbed Alex around the stomach and slammed her into the wall. Alex groaned in pain, Zelda decided that now that Alex was pinned that she would join the fight. Fetching a vicious looking knife from her top draw she waltzed over leisurely. "Well, well, well Alex! My darling! I never thought you would turn on me! I brought you up, I raised you! Fed you, clothed you, trained you... And this is how you treat me? Disappointing, I saw greatness in you." Alex remained silent. The other assassin pressed his whole body up against Alex's, her feet dangled above the ground. It was obvious she wasn't liking this. Zelda pressed herself up against Alex's side, bringing the knife up to Alex's cheekbone, blood trickled from the cut. "Unfortunately the punishment for treason in the Zelda Malum assassins deary... Is death! And a painful one at that. I know you'll remain silent for now... But after a while you'll start screaming, I wonder how your little boyfriend will like that? Of course I may be nice enough to bring him in so he can witness your torture and imminent death!" Zelda said with a tone of humour in her voice. Alex struggled against the other assassin but he was too strong and too bloody big. Zelda brought the knife down and dragged it along the top of her chest, Alex bit her lip and slammed her head against the wall, biting back the scream that wanted to rip free. Blood flowed from the long gash. Zelda laughed. "Flip her around Johnny." Johnny did as he was told and flipped Alex over so her back was facing Zelda. Zelda dragged the knife down her back multiple times, Alex didn't scream. Her back was a bloody mess by the time Zelda decided she needed a well earned drink. Walking over to her liquor cupboard Zelda was unaware that Alex had managed to finally reach her knife that had been snuggled in her pocket. And apparently so was Johnny, poor Johnny, he was dead before he hit the floor. Zelda spun around and came face to face with a very angry and very bloody Alexandria. Then the real fighting began. It was like the duet of death, but neither dying- yet. Alex ducked and spun, slamming Zelda multiple times in the face with a round house kick. But Alex was injured and Zelda had trained her. Zelda managed to get on top of Alex and began cutting again, still Alex did not scream. Zelda brought the knife up for the killing blow, but Alex didn't want to die today. Rolling over she grabbed Zelda's knife and threw it into the wall- where it lodged into the plaster. Grabbing Zelda by her hair Alex threw her into the wall and grabbing her bow that had fallen to the floor before, she nocked an arrow and shot the Zelda through the wrist. Zelda screamed and Alex smiled. Alex shot another arrow through her other wrist and Zelda screamed some more. Zelda looked at her with wide, tear stained eyes. "You no longer own me Zelda Malum." Alex spat as she realised her final arrow and put a stop to Zelda's screaming. Alex fell to the floor, blood oozing from her back. But it didn't stop her completely. Kai watched as his sisters killer got up out of a puddle of her own blood and launched herself out of Zelda's office window. The camera went black.

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