Chapter 20 "You insensitive pig."

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"Dude..." "Don't say it Hudson." Smirking Hudson smirking continued. "She whooped your ass."

Groaning James pulled the pillow over his face. "Shut up Hudson." "Haha." Hudson laughed at him, proceeding to dance around James 'recovery' bed singing. "Jamesy boy got beaten up by a girl! Jamesy boy got beaten up by a girl!" James gave up and threw the pillow at him."You insensitive pig." Hudson laughed. Groaning again James said "Why does she have to be an assassin..." Hudson eyes almost bulged out of his head. "You really do like her mate don't you." James slowly looked up. "Yeah... I do." "You have problems and she has serious problems... you're a perfect match!" Hudson smirked at him. James hit him upside the head. "No but seriously... I've seen the way she looks at you James. That girl has a stone cold heart- she kills people for crying at loud! But you... for some reason James, you're are really getting to her." James looked at him. "What are you saying Hudson?" He sucked in a deep breath. "I'm saying James... Never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about." Hudson got up and walked out of the room, leaving James in his own deadly silence.

"Bam!" The punching bag swung from the hit, having no time to recover before it was hit again. Alex brought her knee up to the bag hitting it square in the middle, twirling around she jumped and roundhouse kicked the bag as well. Landing she immediately got into a tiger stance. Sweat beaded on her forehead, she started intently at the bag planning her next move- a fire in her eyes. Gritting her teeth she lept up from the tiger stance and swinging with her legs- struck it on the side. Alex started jabbing with her fists and elbows, ducking fake blows, bobbing and weaving, more jabs, uppercuts, knees and kicks- never stopping.

James limped to the hotel gym and leaned against the doorframe- wheezing. He started at Alex, she hadn't heard him enter due to the earphones in her ears. He watched her in amazement, her toned legs tense and her ripped arm muscles bulging. She was so quick and strong- gosh he loved her. James bit his lip he wanted to go over there and put his hands on her hips, he wanted to wrap his arms around her musclier torso and keep her safe from all the things that threatened to take her away from him.

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