Chapter 14 "Its rainin' knives"

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Alex felt like someone was choking her- cutting off her oxygen. She shot up and ran to the bedroom, grabbing her bow, quiver full of arrows and a handful of knives. She wrenched the window open and swiftly climbed out of it, Alex looked down she was on the edge of the window now- forty two floors above the streets of London. Grabbing the ledge above her head, Alex pulled herself up. Swinging one leg up she balanced herself on the ledge, about two metres in front of her was a small balcony. To get there the only way was to jump- and risk the forty two story drop to the street below. Alex contemplated this, she was only trying to escape her mind. So she jumped- and she missed. Her fingers flayed as she grappled the bars. She managed to grab one of them with her left hand, grunting she swung her right hand up. Alex's lower body hung over the edge of a very long and deadly drop. Feeling a movement in her back pocket Alex turned her head quickly and watched in horror as one of her black throwing knives slipped out of the pocket and hurtled to the busy street below. There was absolutely nothing she could do but watch, to yell would alert the authorities that she was here and that would get her and the other two boys killed. The knife continued to fall at an alarming rate. She needed to get out of there- now. A piercing scream came from below. "I've been stabbed! Someone help me! A knife fell from the sky!" The women shrieked again. Alex looked down, people where looking up and pointing at her. Swearing Alex tried to pull herself up again- without any luck. More screaming, more yelling. Putting all her energy into pulling herself up, Alex groaned and grunted until she finally made it. She swung her legs over the railing, turned around and came face to face with four blue eyed men dressed all in white. Their faces were covered-except for the eyes and they all had two katanas each. Alex stood there dumbstruck for a few moments. Of course she had just happened to come across a room full of bloody ninjas didn't she. The blue eyed ninjas blinked at Alex in shock, obviously they had not been expecting her. "Umm nice to see you??" Alex said nervously.

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