Chapter 8 "Hola amigos!"

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When Alex walked into the warehouse it was like a dream come true. In her opinion the dusty, dirty warehouse was better then Disneyland. It was dimly lit but Alex could see row and rows of floor to ceiling shelves- stocked full of every single weapon Alex had ever dreamed of, plus more. Her fingers twitched with excitement and her ADHD started to kick in, her eyes were wide and sparkled in the light. She was like a giddy schoolgirl who'd eating too many lollies.

James smiled he loved seeing Alex this excited-it made him love her even more. Alex's' feet seemed to drift over toward the weapons, James had to grip her arm tightly so she wouldn't wonder off and possibly kill them all. He grinned at her, she smiled back and whispered "Thank you James, now will you please let me go so I can go look....?' James laughed "Not yet my princesa de las tinieblas, you'll have to wait a little longer I'm afraid." Alex pouted. "Oooooh." James draped his arm over Alex's shoulders "You excited?" She looked up at him. "Is that a serious question? Of course I am!!" She lightly punched his arm.

At that moment a young man perhaps in his early twenties emerged out of a small doorway hidden behind some filing cabinets. "Hola amigos! James! My friend it is good to see you!" The man said in strong Spanish accent. "And your beautiful friend here! What's your name senorita?" "Ummm Alexandria." Alex replied. "Alexandria! Pretty name for a pretty girl! I am Leo!" Alex rolled her eyes, she was sick and tired of hearing that. "Well you come for the weapons? James?" James nodded eagerly. "Yeah Leo we did. Got anything good?" Leo laughed. "You underestimate me amigo! I am the weapons master!" Alex smirked. "Let us go amigos!" Leo yelled and he started walking to the back of the warehouse, Alex eagerly followed. Leo came to a stop at aisle 2A. "Friends! All my weapons are perfectly althebetically ordered! James you said you needed archery supplies, so here we are!" Leo wrenched open a drawer and inside tiny LED lights flicked on, revealing hundreds upon hundreds of arrows- black, silver, gold, any colour you wanted. Alex's eyes widened. Leo saw her and laughed. 'Alexandria my friend come have a closer look!" Alex inched closer- she wanted those arrows bad, so, so bad. Entranced she kept moving forward. "Alex...." James voice called out to her, but she didn't hear him. Leo's face was greedy and bloodthirsty. Alex didn't even notice him pull out the knife.

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