Chapter 34 "Bob the blob"

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Thank you to LewisComstive for the banner! Yay! I really love it :D

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Alex felt bile rise in her throat as she watched Kai Malum with a 'lady friend' in his bedroom. "Shut the blinds geez!" She muttered. She directed her binoculars to another point of the Greenwich AHKTEM headquarters. Grabbing her notepad from her leather backpack Alex quickly scribbled dow the number of guards, cameras, exits, windows and ventilation shafts in the building so she could give it to Hudson later. These were the last of the statistics that the duo need before the would start training each other getting ready to bail James out. They had made a deal- Hudson would teach Alex as much as he could about the 'art' of hacking and Alex would train him with a few weapons and in hand to hand combat. Alex watched intently as the guards switched posts, she had approximately two minutes before the fresh guards came on. Pulling out the gun Hudson had modified for her, Alex brought the butt of the gun deep into her shoulder and the sight up to her eye. Carefully aiming at the top story window she pulled the trigger, a blob of bright green goo shot out of the barrel and landed with a defiant 'slap' against the bulletproof window. Alex pulled out a little screen that projected what the blob was doing and so she could control her little friend 'Bob the blob'. Alex pressed one of the small neon green buttons on the screen. Bob began eating through the window using his special acid. With a 'plop' Bob fell to the ground, Alex grit her teeth as she steered him down an abandoned hallway towards a bright silver shining elevator. Bob crawled up the wall and pressed the down button, the doors opened revealing a very expensive interior. Bob slid in. The green lump of goop waited patiently waiting for Alex to give him his orders. Crawling up the panel with all the floors on it Bob pressed the one labeled 'basement/prison/interrogation rooms/torture' Alex shuddered at the thought of them torturing James. Bob again waited patiently as the quiet elevator music tinkled though the speakers. A significant 'ding' signalled they had reached the basement. Steering bob quickly out of the lift Alex saw a sign, she quickly took a photo through bob and began reading it.

CELL 1/a wing a INMATE NO* 001- AMANDA SPOKIN (Rogue hacker)

CELL 1/b wing a INMATE NO* 002- GEORGE RUNNEK (psychotic murderer)

CELL 2/a wing a INMATE NO* 003- LINK ISOP (Terrorist)

CELL 2/b wing a INMATE NO* 004- YURI DYMITRY (Bomb developer)

CELL 3/a wing a INMATE NO* 005- VALKYRIE HAVOC (Rogue ZM assassin)

CELL 3/b wing a INMATE NO* 006- ISABELLE SILVER (Diamond thief)

CELL 4/a wing a INMATE NO* 007- JAMES LINKIN (Mi6 traitor)

CELL 4/b wing a INMATE NO* 008- FINN MALUM (AHKTEM traitor)

CELL 5/a wing a INMATE NO* 009- APHRODITE BENGAL (Pirate)

CELL 5/b wing a INMATE NO* 010- RIDLEY HASS (Rogue ZM assassin)


Alex shrieked and punched the air in celebration. "I found him!" Alex continued observing the sign, there were names she knew there. Girls she had been best friends with growing up as budding assassins. Ridley and Valkyrie. She couldn't let them rot away in their cells she'd find a way to get them out too. Alex frowned at the inmate that shared a cell with James 'FINN MALUM' she gulped as she realised this must be Kai's brother. If Finn was anything like his brother and sister James was in big, major trouble. Snapping out of her train of thought Alex steered Bob away from the sign and continued down the hallway catching a quick photo of the basement map before turning the corner in search of James's cell. Rounding the corner however Alex's little Bob came face to face with Mr Kai Malum himself. Alex gritted her teeth in annoyance. "Why hello Miss Alexandria!" He exclaimed "Nice to see your looking for your boy, I thought you'd forgotten about him! I told him Your whole life story by the way, hope you don't mind!" He winked as he brought his foot up and it came crashing down on poor Bob. Alex hurriedly snatched up her few possessions and shoved them deep into her supple leather backpack. Slinging it over he shoulders Alex raced down the scraggly hill, almost tripping several times. She was not getting caught today, not when she was this close to getting James back. Alex raced to the nearest subway and lept aboard the Train just as it was leaving the station. Breathing heavily she sat down on the hard plastic chair and tried to calm her nerves. Looking left and right quickly, Alex stepped off the train onto the platform. She pulled her hood over her head and zipped up her assassins creed hoodie. The cold winter air stung at her face as she sprinted down the dark road towards the motel in which her and Hudson were staying. Throwing open the door she barged inside, finding Hudson's eyes glued to the Xbox. "Hudson Massuline get off the Xbox now!" Hudson jumped and fell off the couch from surprise. "What?!" He yelled. "I found him!" Alex shrieked. Hudson's eyes widened and he jumped up and crushed Alex in a hug. "You champion!" He screamed. A distinct ringing interrupted there little party. Hudson jumped over the couch in one leap and picked up the phone. "What do you want?!" He yelled down the line. "Next time your gonna spy on me... Use a machine that doesn't leave a trail of green goo behind it." Kai Malum quickly hung up and Hudson's mouth was agape. He turned around slowly. "What?" Alex asked. "We have to get out of here right now."

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