Chapter 19 "How shocking"

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"James? James where are you?" Alex searched through the entire hotel room for her lost friend- but she couldn't find him anywhere. Grabbing Hudson's phone from the bench she attempted to call him- except she couldn't get past the lock screen. "Hudson Massuline!" Hudson skidded around the corner in his socks, when he saw Alex with his phone his eyes widened. "Alex. put. the. phone. down." Being her stubborn and stupid self, Alex did not do as he asked but just kept trying to crack his code. "Alex I'm actually serious if you get that wrong one more time it will electrify you." Smirking she replied "Yeah right Hudson." Hudson's eyes were so wide now he looked like an owl. Alex typed in a random code "7869" And seriously regretted it after. "Alex!" Hudson cried as the electricity ran from the phone all the way up her arm and her body started convulsing, unable to drop the phone. Hudson ran for his laptop and he frantically began typing in commands, scripts and codes of all kinds- trying to stop his anti- theft phone. Sweat beaded on his forehead and finally it worked. The electricity stopped flowing but Alex continued to twitch and shake. "Alex! Alex stay with me buddy!" Hudson shook her furiously. He reached and grabbed his phone from her grip, unlocking the phone he speed dialled James, he didn't pick up. Panicking Hudson rang him again, but James still refused to pick up. "Alex! Alex! Please! I can't lose anyone else!" He gently grabbed Alex's head and laid it in his lap as she continued twitching, her eyes open and wide in fear- but unable to shut them.

James looked down at his knuckles- they were raw and bleeding, he didn't care he continued punching the bag. Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket he pulled it out, seeing it was Hudson he shoved it back into his pocket. He didn't care for what his "mate" had to say to him at the moment either. Rage filled him yet again and this time he punched the bag harder than he had ever before. The punching bag flew off the ceiling which held it- it ripped the hooks cleanly off. It skidded over to the corner of the room and lay slumped looking defeated. James clenched his fist and breathed in heavily. He walked out the door and took the lift back up to the room- ready to face his so called "friends".

Alex had finally stopped twitching and her muscles had finally relaxed- she now lay fast asleep in Hudson's lap. Hudson stroked her hair- she'd scared him before, a lot. For some strange reason whenever he looked at Alex he saw his little sister. Despite the age difference. If Hudson could see his sister now days he would love for her to become like Alex- not with all the killing but her personality. Her toughness, determination, encouragement, stubbornness, independence and even her inability to cook. Hudson started down at Alex, when they parted Hudson would go find his sister and when he did find her, he would tell Anastasia of all the adventures he had had with Alexandria Tove. And Hudson would describe Alex with a simple sentence. "She had molten eyes and a smile made for war." He smiled to himself at the thought. At that moment James burst through the door.

James walked through the door and saw Hudson with Alex's head in his lap. He immediately pulled his gun out and pointed it at Hudson's head. "What the hell man?! Put the bloody gun down!" Hudson screeched him. "Not before you tell me what the hell you two have been doing behind my bloody back!" Hudson look honestly confused when James said this. "What?" James frowned. "You and Alexandria... I saw you two. You lo-love her?" James stuttered out. Hudson almost laughed. "No! I most certainly do not!" Alex began stirring. She mumbled under her breath. " How shocking that was..."

James sat down on the couch his arms folded over his chest and his eyebrows furrowed. "I saw you kiss him Alex!" He yelled in her face. "On the forehead you dolphin!" That shut James up. "I found you two spooning this morning!" "I was trying to comfort him you insolate turkey!" Alex yelled back. "I found him crying in his bed!" "Why are you suddenly calling me animal names?" James screeched. "What has that got to do with anything James? You're just trying to change the subject!" You where asleep in his lap when I got back from the gym!" James was trying and failing to win this argument. "I had just been electrified by his bloody phone you stupid retard! You are acting like a two year old whose toy has just been taken off him!" Alex snapped. James got up and stormed off, when he reached the door he turned around and said. "Wow it must really be that time of the month." Alex leapt off her stool and bolted over to James. Grabbing his shoulders she kneed him in the groin- James fell to the floor groaning in pain. Rolling him over Alex got on top of him and began punching him hard in the face and stomach, calling him various animal names. "Alex stop!" Hudson yelled as he tried to pry Alex off James. "You've hurt him enough! Just let it go now ok?!" Reluctantly Alex let Hudson pull her off him. James lay on the floor clutching his nose in a pool of his own dark red blood. "You know what James? Looks like it's your noses time of the month." Alex said sarcastically.

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