Chapter 48 "hA€k3d"

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Zara Larsson, MNEK- Never forget you
(Great song! Give it a listen while you read this chapter!)
HEY MY LITTLE READERS! Or minions which ever you prefer...
I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in ages! I've been so busy with bloody school it's insane, I hardly get any time to write any more :( anyways-
I need a couple name for James and Alexandria... Because apparently that's meant to be the norm and cute. Idk I don't have a romantic bone in my body... Anyway so help me guys just comment what you reckon a good one is and it SHALL BE.
Thanks! ;)
Adios amigos!

Hacky chapter ahead! Thanks LewisComstive for helping me because I have no idea what to do when it comes to hacking...

Connor padded sleepily into the kitchen, it was past midnight and he had a craving for donuts. Good thing Hudson had had a craving early that day. Reaching up into the hotel cupboard a dim light flashed across the room, Connor spun around and leisurely leaned against the counter taking a large bite of the donut. Hudson's MacBook sat connected to the charger across the small kitchen, a small loading sign was rapidly loading. Connor frowned. Hudson never left his Mac on... The loading finished just as Connor reached the laptop. Codes flashed on the screen, quickly scrolling up the bright green numbers, letters and symbols blinded Connor as he continued to watch. All of a sudden the screen went black and then it started to flicker. Bright colourful glitchy blocks stuttered on the screen and then three words were typed as Connor looked on. His eyes widened as he realised just what was happening. "Hudson!" He screamed down the hall. Not getting a response Connor fled down the hall looking for him. "Hudson! Hudson wake up! If you do not wake up now we are all going to die!" Alex and James burst out of their rooms with barely any clothes on and James had lipstick smudges around his mouth and on his neck. Connor raised an eyebrow at this and Alex went bright red. "Connor what's happening? Why are we going to die?" Connor avoided the question. "Where is Hudson?!" He spewed out. Alex nodded down the hall. "In the gym." Connor launched himself down the hallway towards the gym door. Wrenching the door of its hinges Connor came face to face with a very startled Hudson and an even more startled young girl that Hudson happened to be making out with at the time. How come everyone else gets a girl but him? Connor thought angrily to himself as he grabbed Hudson's collar and quickly dragged him back down the hall to their hotel room kitchen. Thrusting Hudson's head right in front of the MacBook all the blood drained from Hudson's face. His eyes darted quickly across the screen as he read the three little words that meant certain death to them all. "You've been hacked." As if somebody was watching Hudson the words flickered off the screen and more flashed up assaulting their eyes. "Not so clever are we now Hudson Massuline?" Hudson's Adam's apple bobbed nervously in his throat. More words appeared on screen. "Didn't think you could get rid of me that easily did you Huddie?" Hudson bit his lip and Connor blinked rapidly in confusion. "Hudson do you know who is doing this?!" Connor grabbed Hudson's collar and shoved him up against the wall. "Connor!" Alex screamed. Letting him drop Connor stalked over to the corner grabbing his knives along the way, he sauntered away into the darkness, making sure he kept a close eye on what was happening. Hudson scrambled back to his computer and rapidly began typing. Before he could finish his code a last sentence flashed in front of them quickly before the screen flickered to black. "I'll be seeing you soon Hudson. -A" Hudson gasped and muttered under his breath. "Achilles..." So quietly Alex almost didn't hear it. "Hudson who is Achilles?" Hudson slumped defeated into a chair. "Achilles was my hacking partner during initiation, we dormed together, hacked together, ate together... He was my best friend until our general- the guy in charge of the hacking unit assigned us a mission. We had to hack into Mi6 to obtain information on the where a outs of a certain agent and his family. He was a father, a husband, he had three kids, a dog, a lovely wife. Achilles and I easily traced his whereabouts and gave it to the general. The next day this man and his entire family had been murdered and I don't mean shot in the head, I mean tortured and mutilated. The kids were drowned, his wife raped then stabbed in the gut till she died from blood loss and the man himself... I don't want to even say what they did to him. But the general sent us photos of them saying what a fantastic job we had done and to be proud of ourselves. But there was no way I could be proud of what I had done. Achilles and I had a massive fight which involved him beating the crap out of me, then he cut me and tried to kill me. I didn't know what was happening to him... The only thing running through my head was- "Hudson unless you do something, you're going to die here." So I grabbed his elbows and plunged his fingers into the dodgy wall socket next to my head, I don't know how but I managed to let go of his elbows before the electricity went through him. I was completely fine other then the fact that there was a convulsing sixteen year old boy dying next to me, and do you know what I did? I sat there and I watched him die, I didn't even try to help him. An hour or so had gone by and Achilles had no pulse I finally called the general and told him what had happened he took Achilles to the doctor or whatever. After his funeral I was put into the AHKTEM containment section for one year." Hudson's head fell into his hands and Alex gasped, she had been in the containment section for one month and she did not want to repeat that experience again. "I went to his funeral! He was dead!" Tears streamed down Hudson's face. "How is he still alive?" Alex gently rubbed his back. "It's going to be okay Hudson we'll sort this out. Everything going to be fine." Hudson looked up at Alex. "No it's not Alex don't you see? Achilles was my partner and now he's working for Kai! Achilles knows every single move I can do, he can predict what I'm going to do even before I do it, if this is truly the Achilles I grew up with and if he is working with Kai... They will find us and they will kill us. We have to leave right now and we have to move fast. Grab your gear everyone and fast we have wasted enough time already, it's time to go." Nobody moved. "Move now!!" Hudson screamed. Then chaos erupted.

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