Chapter 43 "I have a nervous system you know."

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Hey guys! Here's the new chapter, hope ya like it ;) Don't forget to do all that technical stuff like Vote, comment and tell your friends about A world full of darkness ;)

Alex's back dug painfully into the bars of James's cell. She groaned. Looking up at the man that had slammed her against it a pair of icy blue eyes stared back at her. "Caisses you're either got a death wish or are incredibly stupid to come back here." Alex snarled. Connor stared back at her unamused. "Trust me when I say I'm doing you a favour." Two guards appeared at the end of the hall- Connor whipped out an Uzi and shot them clean through the skull without even looking, let alone flinching. His forearm still laid protectively over Alex's chest. She removed it roughly and rolled her eyes. "Bloody hell I hate those guns." Connor laughed unhumorously. "You're just jealous." He stuck his tongue out at her but Alex was to quick for him and she grabbed it, giving it a sharp turn. "Oww!" Connor yelled loudly. Alex smirked. Her eyes widened as she remembered James. Spinning around quickly she pressed herself up against the bars. "James! Don't worry Hudson is going to get you outta here I've just going to take care of a few things first and then I'll meet you two later ok?" James nodded. "B-be car-careful Alex." He stammered. Alex nodded. "Massuline! Take care of him and the others or I'll have your head on a platter!" Hudson nodded and saluted. "Yes man! I-i mean Mam! Yes mam!" Alex rolled her eyes again. Hudson didn't even question the presence of Connor. Alex spun around and grabbed Connor by the elbows. "Hurry up Caisses I haven't got all bloody day!" They jogged down the winding corridors in the direction of Kai Malum's office. Alex whizzed around the corner and bashed into a guard. Stunned she fell to the floor clutching her bleeding nose. The guard almost looked as stunned as she did. Alex swung her legs at his knees and he collapsed hitting his head on the concrete. She stuck her tongue out at the unconscious guard. "Take that!" Connor laughed at her immaturity. "What are you six?" Alex got up herself and punched him in the arm. "Shut up." Connors ears perked up and he quickly grabbed Alex and shoved her in the cleaners cupboard, quickly following. Connors big hands covered her mouth to prevent her from speaking as a platoon of soldiers marched past. She licked his hand. Connor sighed and wiped her saliva back on Alex's face. Alex's face wrinkled in disgust. "Eww!" Connor shrugged. "You started it." Alex folded her arms across her chest and it was then that she realised how close they both were. "Ah Connor how come you hid us in here when we could have just killed them all?" Connor stared daggers at her. "You just wanna kill people don't you Alex? What for? Do you get a rush out of it? Do you feel pleasure? Because if you do then that's sick. We may be assassins but we still have hearts, we don't have to kill everyone. Those men have family's! Wives, children, dogs! They are probably only here because they need the money!" Connors jaw was clenched so tightly Alex thought it might break. She looked guilty at the ground. Connor tilted her chin up with his finger. "Hey I came back because I thought you would need help. Not just with your mission to kill Malum but because I need to save you from yourself. You're dangerous Alexandria yet I love it and we both know I'm the only one who knows what you are feeling right now." Alex nodded dumbly. Connor tilted his head closer to her hers, pressing her up against the wall of the closet. "Ugh what is with you pushing me up against walls! I have a nervous system you know!" Alex shrieked. Connor laughed but didn't move. He came closer, there lips almost touching. "Connor..." Alex whispered. Connor groaned. "Hmmm I like it when you say my name. Say it again?" "Get off me." Alex said bluntly. He didn't budge. Alex shoved him hard and he went flying into the other wall. Connor groaned in pain. "So violent..." Alex dragged her hand down her face. "What the hell were you just trying to do." Connor looked back up at her. "I want you and only you. It's only ever been you, nobody has even come close to my little violent spitfire. But you don't want me do you? You want him. You want James." Connor whispered. Alex fumbled with the hem of her shirt not answering. "Answer me Alexandria." Gritting her teeth Alex replied. "Yes ok? Happy? I want him, not you. I love him! And I know that's a strong word for me to be throwing around but the truth is I'm not throwing it around, I mean it!" Connor clenched his fists. "Does he know this?" Alex became silent. "No..." In two quick strides Connor was in front of Alex and he grabbed her face in between his hands. His lips were on hers. They were firm yet soft against Alex's but Alex didn't kiss him back. Connor gently let her go and backed away slowly. Emotion swam in Connors eyes but one was definitely prominent- love. Well as close to love as an assassins could get. Alex raised her hand up to slap him. "I needed to do that at least once Alex. Before I lost you to him forever, you can slap me if you want I probably deserve it." Connor whispered to her. Alex slowly lowered her hand. Connor burst out the closet just as another guard rounded the corner, in anger he snapped the soldiers neck. Alex brushed her fingers across her swollen lips, snapping out of her trance she stepped out of the closet. One look at Connor and she knew that the battle fever had already set in, she could see it in his eyes. She instantly felt sorry for any soldier that got in his way, so much for the 'not killing everybody' talk. She grabbed his wrist and continued up the now empty corridor- in silence.

A world full of darknessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें